
What game movies have tried to adapt game stories and failed? Most of the time game movies seem to fail because they stray so far from the source material that it doesn't even resemble the spirit of the game anymore.

It looks like there are about 17 different plots going on in this trailer. It doesn't give anything away because I can't tell which of these scenes is supposed to be the A-plot and which are throwaways.

Yeah. It's quite possibly one of the most boring "action movies" in recent memory.

I got news for you - Spielberg isn't a cool, chill dude.

Well your young you was partially right - his success and influence means that his stupid-minded movies bleed into other movies and set trends, bad trends. So yes, he is bad for movies and they can't always be easily ignored when they influence other stuff to also be bad and dumb.

I saw a preview screening. If you loved Kiss Kiss Bang Bang you will like it. But not love it. It doesn't quite ring like KKBB but its light on its feet, funny, got clever action, good noir vibes. It's a bit obvious when it 'subverts' buddy cop cliches but overall its a really fun film. Definitely would have trouble

I just did, and I'm even typing this on an Apple computer! When will I ever wake up?!!

Are you asking me if I couldn't see Evil Corp as that? If so, yes, yes I could. My complaint was it was too over the top and on the nose and the name, even if its in his head was too silly for me to take seriously.

I think the sentiment is that Ratner is a hack. That he will do whatever the studio wants and can not or will not defend the artistic integrity of a movie. That said, it's tough to know for sure since we weren't there and can't be privy to the politics behind-the-scenes. We're generally more apologetic towards 'good'

So I watched the first two episodes and hated it - thought the tech stuff was cool but seemed to be reddit-fantasy, troubled-hacker fighting the system, man! in a really heavy-handed way. I mean… Evil Corp? I know its in his head, but seriously. And all of the Anonymous related heroics… turned me off.

Why not just throw drama in there for Oscar baiting? Professor X secretly helps Alan Turing win the war but must leave to help his old pal Magneto who has just survived the Holocaust thanks to a friend named… Oskar Schindler.

Are we all slowly and cautiously working up to not-totally-hating X3 here? Is that what is happening right now?

I love when people bullet-point comic book plotlines having not read any myself because they are always so ludicrous, every single time. I, for one, excitedly anticipate when the movies get desperate enough to start going this bonkers as well.

You probably won't like this then

Having just seen the film, it is a movie of oversimplifications (when it comes to social woes)

Am I missing something? Are you talking about anything to do with this article?

Sure, but art can be more than entertainment - not that Allen's movies necessarily are. And if we hate him, we're not required to not support him, either. I am not even sure where I stand on the issue but just playing devil's advocate here.

Just watch the ending on YouTube. It's a completely WTF pointless, unresolved extra scene that is absolutely not worth tracking down Riddler trophies for.

I didn't think AK was terrible - good, but the first two games were great.
The scope just got away from them. Bigger /= better. The city was so dense and they went nuts with particle effects and what the hardware could do, it made everything incomprehensible. The sidemissions were unclear as to when you could advance,

I replayed it on the PS3 remaster since I consider it in or around the top 20 games of all time for me… but shit, I instantly realized how frustrated it made me. Also, the climbing mechanic which is actually very ingenious to help you feel the struggle to cling to something but also makes me so damn mad because of how