
Yes but the movie clearly favours him and tries (and fails, in my opinion) to show the murky morals of warfare but ends up simplifying, even trivializing it in favour of a tribute to a soldier and his cause, whether or not he was always in the right.

I was into the argument for the first two posts… then it escalated… quickly.

I've said it before and will say it again - Drake will only hurt Toronto's already fragile sense of self-worth. Our city's insane self-esteem complex will be hit hard when Drake goes out of style and we look back at his cornball music and even worse album artworks and say, "Remember THAT?". Right now Toronto can't get

Well, welcome to the 21st century BUD! It means the exact opposite now!!

Photoshop > Sharpen > SHARPEN MORE

Even from all the prerelease stuff, Hotline Bling seems to be the only actually good song on this whole album.

He randomly name drops streets occasionally and then mentions the TTC which, I guess, is like about Toronto.. and stuff.


Sure you aren't talking about Amnesiac?

A league of its own in terms of lazy writing? Yes, agreed.

I'm really only ever seeing people say they don't like it and then immediately, defensively argue that they don't hate women. No one is ever accusing people of saying they hate women. At least not on the sites I read. Or the parties I go to.. Who are these people claiming everyone hates women? It seems like everyone

Pretty much the only thing that could save this movie at this point. Are you reading this Oliver Stone??

Think I saw the clip they used on iStock the other day!

And then Nic Cage shows up in the flesh and it gets REAL weird.

Kinda reminds me JGL always, in every role. "IM ACCCCTING HERE!"

how. dare. you.

CS6? What are we?! Savages? Fucking CC 2015 or nothing!

These people live in a different reality than the rest of us.

Did people react that way, though? I haven't seen much besides eye rolls and then some "OMG! LOL!" reactions. Either way its bringing buzz to his Joker, good or bad.

and yet…… here we are…