
This whole thing was just an annoying PR stunt cooked up by marketers anyway. As if Leto has the time between being self-absorbed to think up and then actually execute this 'prank'.

Yeah that one was amazingly bad. Impressively so.

Either they put up a good front in their marketing or they have some good bookkeepers or yeah, good deals in place to give some of these movies legs. They clearly are going all-in on these type of movies. Hopefully it works for them.

Bleeder - even more underrated

You should go to Morocco then!

I know someone who knows someone on production and the gist I got from them is that while Snyder is an exec producer his inputs are generally met with disdain from the SS creatives - take from that what you will…

Also liked Knight of Cups, sort of in spite of itself. I think Malick works best on large scale, big ambition projects. These later, smaller ones don't work as well. I fell asleep like 3 times in the movie but I actually don't think thats much to the movie's detriment. I would like to rewatch again and stay awake but


Sure, that works and is compelling on paper however at least Fisk and Castle exist in a natural way. Fisk is a natural product of the power vacuum in the corrupt world of Hell's Kitchen that is able to thrive without Daredevil's presence. And then Castle emerges as a sort-of reaction to Daredevil's presence - he

Must be a taste thing but the dour Frank plot realllly works for me and I get interested whenever he's back on screen - the Elektra stuff… not for me. Feels mighty shoehorned in, lacks clear motivation or direction and even Matt's commitment to that plot isn't much more than "fine Elektra, if it will make you stop

The lost kid in the third act was a real head-scratcher and by head-scratcher I mean moment when movie becomes low priority for my attention.

Didn't see this trailer once. *shrugs*

Those were….. the dark years..

It was Antoine Fuqua, of course it sucked.

Obviously, there is some sort of meaning behind it all.

Honestly, I don't know for sure - but since it's still under Sony's umbrella I think slapping on Marvel exec names is to appeal to us and win good PR - sorta like slapping Chris Nolan's name on Man of Steel. Exec producers don't do a lot of the heavy lifting.

They aren't being filmed together… so there is still hope!

Well you set up a challenge that is impossible to win because if anyone tackles Christianity in an intelligent, challenging way you instantly categorize them differently. I mean, to each his own, but I don't consider Tree of Life or Last Temptation NOT "Christian movies". They both revolve around struggling with faith

So then Spider-Man swings around but stops short of Hell's Kitchen and says, "no… we don't go there.."

He already did the Magical Asian in Restless with the kamikaze pilot ghost, or whatever. Back to that well so soon, Gus?!