
Counterpoint: Van Sant periodically makes something decent and needs to bounce back from it with some total crap.

*checks to see if this is a Great Job Internet post*
*concurs with outrage*

It had a character named Cid/Sid, what more do you fucking want?!

C+ is right, if a bit harsh. Definitely lots to chew on in it.. lots of great moments, lots to think about but IV is right, too many dead ends and digressions.

This is so far from Russian Ark…. if you go in with that mindset you'll hate it, I think.

Yeah, one of the most memorable outtakes… then again, I too was a younging seeing that in theatres probably… twice!

It's more "get ready for bigger superhero marketing budgets"

If they tell those Hollywood FATCATS to STUFF IT in DP2 then I'm sure fans will be overjoyed and rate it 10 on IMDb, the highest of honours.

Interesting, didn't know that about her book plot. Without knowledge of the book it was hard to get worked up about that. Besides the fact that her plot felt like it wasn't going anywhere and was extremely tedious up until and including the lame cliffhanger at the end of the season.

Then its all a moot point!

Oh yeah! Forgot about that guy

The issue, for me, is in the actual production of male-to-female nudity ratio on screen rather than the scripted events, ie. sex scenes or rape scenes. They're definitely skewing in their classic HBO way to showing tons of tits and avoiding dicks at all costs. Storywise, it makes sense there would be more female

I think the idea is like 'homophobia'. The label transfers to the assholes, rather than the ones who are being normal and rational.

I don't think its supposed to explore 'what women were dealing with' or have any responsibility like that, but it is making a fantasy world drawn from the structure and conflicts of European history, and in doing so it is a very patriarchal world. Trying to downplay that or soften it does the show and characters a

The show is basically the War of the Roses plus a bunch of other stuff with dragons. I don't know that period that much but the parallels are pretty obvious.

"Why Padme is actually the best Star Wars character ever created"

There was a nugget of a good idea in there and exactly one good scene (when they return to Earth, or whatever it is). The rest is the stuff of Hollywood nightmares though.

Good critics are also supposed to start/open/explore discussions and themes around movies. Good critics are usually of more worth when they write about older movies when a consensus starts to form around movies, movements etc. and you see which actually stand the test of time.

A slow reading English lit major? You're just punishing yourself.

What was Spectre's (the organization) plan again? I was thinking back on it and I can't think of what their plan was other than James Bond Revenge, Inc. Seemed disappointing that there is this really cool evil shadow organization (and they did a good job of showing it, with the people on the computers and stuff) and