
It did. It boxed this version of Bond in a corner and along with all of Daniel Craig's moaning its going to be associated with Skyfall for beginning this mopey, emotional arc that forced the franchise to go in another direction. At least, that's how I see it.

Seems like its gotten more favourable with time. At the time I remember middling reviews and I remember it being an eye-roller but at least competent. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's like it happened before people started caring about mental health therefore the mocking attitude has sort of grandfathered in to this generation… "you may only have sympathy if you damaged your brain after THIS date"

my god…

Yeah but if you are really tough you proclaim yourself zero chill, like if you, I dunno, love Hitler and Trump and dont care who knows it..

You always say that but do you really DO anything?!

It all went exactly to plan…

which is?

Don't know why AVC seems to dislike these first few Punisher episodes so much, they are clearly the highwater mark for the season… in the following few episodes (spoilers-ish) that bring in Elektra feel like a total curve ball, have weak motivation for pulling Matt in and are so disconnected from everything else that

thank you instagram

"What's with all these… gee-okes?"

Too bad Snyder wouldn't listen when he was adapting Watchmen.

Nah, I prefer to pirate then just never watch at all.


I have the 6P now. Switched from iPhones. Love it. Girlfriend has the iPhone 6. Feels like a toy. Don't know if I could ever go back to a smaller phone… and I used to be deadset against anything bigger than the 4… I guess I just double-downed when I upgraded. Anyway, it is sometimes annoying size-wise, but the size is

If you have your videos backed up on iCloud then yes. Better solution is back up with Google Photos so you dont have some arbitrary space limit to back up. Then resync with your new phone.

Steve Jobs, man. Steve Jobs.

And the $20K Apple Watch band owners?

who is 'they'?

or turn down the brightness