
UMM can the old thing recognize my FINGER when I touch it and then pay for my BIG MAC COMBO while turning the screen ORANGE because its time for beddie-bye, all at the same time? NO. I didn't think so.

*continues using Disqus*

So instead you courageously drive forward into the uncharted waters of iOS 8 where more features incompatible with your phone lurk. You discover simple apps and functions like iMessage and autocorrect have inexplicably become too resource-intensive for your phone to handle but you pay the endless crashing no mind as

The best bit is finding a string of clips of Trump escalating the cost of the wall. That's the most biting stuff but then it becomes a dog chasing its tail.

Smug is the right word and its one of my least favourite qualities, such an instant turn off. His jokes are also extremely tired "it's like [ridiculous analogy]!" which is about the same creativity as the Family Guy "it's like that time…" cutaways.

I add Bret Easton Ellis to that list.

Yeah the tight flip shots seem to imply their stunts people were bad or there was some last minute disaster on set where they couldn't pull things off properly so they just shot tightly enough that you couldn't tell what the hell was happening other than the general direction of movement.

Someone in the comments made a good point on the Daredevil film of being of the period where everyone was still desperately trying to be The Matrix (and the sequels) which, I guess, were still the high-bar for action choreography.

How much better could it be though? With those performances… those stunts… there is only so much a different edit can do.

Just do Letterman style interviews: barely concealing your apathy about the celeb's mundane story until commercial break and latch on to some anecdote and make some lazy riffs on it.

The one in Toronto is quite massive as well.

"If only they used that creepy CG to make them appear younger! I simply can't overcome the facts of reality that this is a fictional television show!"

Yeah, its just a question of do the ends justify the means. I think people get overly fussy by imagining scenes not in a film of a character doing tedious things that lead to the cool shit we see. I agree, there was clear purpose for TDKR versus the pointlessness of the old Punisher film, however there is definitely a

Could you try to be more culturally sensitive?

As if the movies have that much draw and admiration that splicing clips in would somehow draw viewership or even earn goodwill with viewers… the first is a moderately noteworthy horror staple, but I wouldn't imagine being anywhere near as iconic or memorable as images from like, The Exorcist or hell, even Poltergeist.

Yeah I'm surprised that we're at the point where people are calling Hail to the Thief "amazing" now. Times do change!!

In the same boat. Had tickets to that show, was ready to head out when the news came in.

………. yeah.

But in relation to the rest of the MCU a high school hero offers a very different perspective from billionaire, supersoldier, god, scientist - essentially masters of their fields.

Big insignias were all the rage in the 00s, now its all about those tiny insignias. What will be next??!