
That was always annoying. Another demanding aspect of the movie that required so much extra work to understand since the movie refused to stand on its own. Logic would assume its the monster or like its egg or whatever falling but no, there is a whole story to that shot.

Yeah, if you have to go through the fine print to correct people who reasonably expect this to follow the mythology with the monster of the "first" movie than the logic just doesn't hold and it pisses people off. I didn't care either way but I probably would have seen it if the monster did appear at the end (which I

You can't learn lessons when you are constantly making giant tons of cash and friends from your decisions.

But then we hear about it here and that level of effort is heard and, ideally, appreciated so we like the movie. Plus it gives the super bored marketing people something actually fun to do at their job for once rather than getting blamed for failing to market a movie properly.

Like when people kept interviewing Abrams about LOST every season even though he hadn't been creatively involved since the pilot essentially and no matter how often he told people he didn't know anything about LOST they'd continue to ask.

"Fellini on ketamine"
- Whatever the fuck that even means

And if its anything like MacGruber everyone will fucking LOATHE it for about 3 years before spontaneously considering it a comedic masterpiece.

Yes it is incredibly sexist. I think there is more to it than that but its hard to say.

Please elaborate!

Is this where you draw the line in the sand, Alien Jesus? Here? The Spider-Man costume?

wild assumption based on the last two movies

Yeah I get that. Its one of those things that I am ready to accept because I think the costumes should be cool first, make sense second. Its what made them fun in the first place when they were originally designed, although I think filmmakers are forgetting that the expression in the eyes in costumes in comic panels

"Looks like we're in trouble, Captain America"
"Jiminy jillikers Spider-Man!"

dubbed in earlier this morning by the editors anxious cousin.

Release the cracker!!!

How important is it to be explained though? We have all come to accept that a teenager can make this costume to begin with as well as actually see through those opaque white eye..things.

Yeah, I dig the toned down suit that almost looks like its out of the 60s cartoon. A far cry from the overdone Raimi suit. All its missing are the webbing armpits.

The Airbnb movie theatre renaissance and you'd woo in customers with your sweet ass condo and nice seats.

And how enforced is this? I can't imagine it is at all.

Probably due to the TOTALLY JUSTIFIED outrage that this is clearly a GJI post that is somehow in the newswire.