
Sure, it'll look nice but Deakins has no hand in how good a movie will actually be.

I haven't listened to Bronson but why the hesitation people seem to be having with his subject matter? Isn't this well-trodden Eminem territory?

Just because it has been done before doesn't mean it wasn't done well.

Suburbs disco? Maybe one or two songs tops. Reflektor, yeah.

Yet both performances are similar. Neither say much and just try and endure the elements. But Leo made a campaign of it being hard for him. Hardy should have made a bigger stink about showing up to set with no scripts and battling Charlize.

No way, D'Angelo makes unpopular opinions but they are always well thought-out, not just flimsy straw man arguments.

I mean, there are a billion reviews, thinkpieces, editorials online about it so I'm sure you could find some of the recurring reasons people love this movie… but to me, if you sum it up, is that its spectacular action filmed beautifully, its free of continuity and universe building that plague all action movies

It comes down to what you want from a movie. The writers decided to go the safer route with a structure that they know works. I would have preferred a movie with less plot since many of the people lauding the movie go back to the 'man vs. nature' well when talking about what makes it so powerful. If he was a man

Like someone else mentioned, the movie does nothing to earn our interest in Glass, his son, or his story — it seems to just assume we will be invested in him because he's played by Leo. The allusions to a narrative involving his wife end up feeling distracting and unresolved. However, the emptiness to me is summed up

how about no

Sort of sums up the entire movie


I'm glad its going to get some sort of distribution thanks to the Oscars (they did something good!) I saw it at TIFF and thought it was excellent, much better than IV credits it here. Hopefully later this year it'll trickle out.

That's how I felt too initially, especially after hearing just his radio friendly hits from his first album. I assumed the worst. When I got around to listening To Pimp a Butterfly I instantly changed my mind, went back to the first album and went through it. To not overhype him: he's great. Lyrically and the

Kendrick? To Pimp A Butterfly did all those things you are talking about, for me anyway.

It is a song but a pretty short, almost a cappella riff on Kanye's self-awareness to his changing public persona. It's short and amusing.

They're actually very easy to ignore because they know exactly what role they play: they're for the tabloids and gossip columns and they are deliberate and aware of that. If you don't care about celebrities its easy to not even know which one is which.

Felt that too, but then again my favourites were the ones I'd already heard, mainly Real Friends so I'm chalking it up to familiarizing myself with it before I make any real judgments. I went through it all twice and liked some stuff but there wasn't any track that really grabbed me or stood out. I'm hoping/thinking

It is the perfect analogy.. both are annoying but at least one is fun in intermittent bursts

Same re: AV Club, mega annoying and suddenly more cringeworthy when people are being snarky without creepy usernames