
Facebook is usually good at prioritizing people you regularly interact with via Messenger, profile views, status likes and comments etc. so if you are even remotely active and have filled out your profile information the people within your actual social circles should naturally float to the top of the steaming cesspit

I think you are missing the concept of the 'social media' part since texting is a private correspondence like a less formal email while Twitter is like a more formal Snapchat, which is really a less formal Instagram, which is a more visual Facebook, which is a more emotionally stable Tumblr, which is a less coherent

Yeah, it's the dad jeans of social media. It's the only platform that gets AVC coverage for feature changes because its the only platform that the writers and their writer buddies are making 'trends' happen in their strange little bubble like that fake Sundance movie they made up — I hate that I know this.

A Serious Man and Inside Llewyn Davis seem to be their two most under appreciated, they aren't their broad comedies but their weirder, explorative movies that aren't total genre exercises or completely goofy but just sort of touch on each.

I also think it's a bottom 3 Coen's. Above Ladykillers, below Burn After Reading.

I hope somebody got fired for this blunder!!!

Hindsight sure is 20/20 isnt it

never forget

In Toronto he laughed off the Raptors and how we will never be taken seriously in the States but then talked about how he finally watched a hockey game and how awesome it was and the crowd ATE IT UP

Saw him last year in Toronto at Sony Centre where some douchebags in the front row were making noise and hollering after every joke. It took him about 65% of his set to finally get security to kick them out but spent a lot of quality time humiliating them (something that was too far over their heads) and he somehow

Blood Simple was a total grower for me. In fact, I say they all are. Coen's films are layered and there are usually multiple levels of enjoyment to take from them. Their weakest films: Intolerable Cruelty, Ladykillers, Burn After Reading are one-and-done types with nothing to offer repeat viewings. Not to say that you

What's Univision? Why would they care about AV Club? What's going on?

Yes that, or it just wasn't that great.

Excuse me but it seems your comment isn't about the similarities between this movie's title and Nathan Rabin. I can't help but feel this post isn't suitable discussion for this website and therefore has been flagged.

We can only speculate…. so lets go with all of the above!!!

Exactly. Terrified Academy members will be reeling for this movie and begging to throw nominations at it as a peace offering to the Twitters.


Sounds like that's the case, here's his quote: "[It’s] cookout music that just feels good. My last album was protest music. I was like, 'I'm going to take my ball and go home.'"
Not that is necessarily bad, but I think it'll be another Graduation scenario where he's sort of treading water rather than trying anything

This is a thing that actually exists and the human race suffers because of it.

Months late here but finally watched my Criterion disc.