
I'm enjoying this season of Serial and also enjoying that its not a pop culture circus like it was last season. Just good old fashioned reporting. This episode though… quite dull and a bit too far removed from what makes this season interesting. I see why it's relevant but it really stretched itself.

The A.V. Club

Lets be realistic though, that's the issue to Will Smith. If he wasn't baiting for an Oscar this year he'd be sitting in his seat like everyone else, maybe giving some token support to Spike Lee who would inevitably still be protesting regardless.

I've heard that there is actually depth to the Deadpool character but I have never actually seen it.. and these trailers don't change that. Familiar or not, the trailers look obnoxious enough for only a boy going through puberty to tolerate.

It's totally in my face!!!

And his whole thing is being RADICAL and IN YOUR FACE and like giving the FINGER to authority probably was, and never will be, in the Chinese authorities wheelhouse. Movie never had a chance.

If you hung out at like Slashfilm or Birth Movies Death or something then yeah, I'm sure a lot of those people fully expected Star Wars to get nominated and are probably very upset it didn't. Just speculating though since I don't click those links.

Oh, what, Rocky 2 and 3 have to be alphanumeric? philistine.

[actually mad about it]

Movie was at TIFF last year. Very mixed reception, as you might expect. I saw it and thought it was one of Wheatley's weakest (I am hot and cold on his stuff). Becomes exhaustingly nutso and eventually tedious.

Superman wasn't great but there is no way Snore 2 was better than it.

Forbidden Room ftw


Hit up's WayBack Machine for that my friend.

How dare ye

I think that's something we can all rest assured we'll never have to retroactively edit.

Hah, I was linked off from another Cruz article and didn't look at any dates…


I actually think its not the acting, its the writing and directing that is the problem. Everyone, across the board, is awkward and stilted. Timing of punchlines or witty comments are weirdly underplayed or sound like the actors are rushing all their lines out. Because it seems like EVERY actor is unable to talk like a

In my opinion, content aside, the directing in the first three episodes at least is pretty bad.. almost feels amateur at points.