
What's the Jade Helm freakout? I looked it up on wiki and it just looks like some conspiracy around military exercises? What's the connection to X-Files??

I really hope it just acknowledges the inability to answer most or all of the questions. It succumbs to the impossibility of one or two agents fully uncovering such a vast conspiracy and comes to terms with it. I'm just finishing reading Bleeding Edge right now and that sort of unsolved noir cliche seems to me to be

Nice screencap. Getty Images didn't have an "eyes open" option?

How does it fall on the shoulders of Vice critics to offer a 'solution' to Vice? I'll complain about Vice's lack of ethics, standards and quality as much as I want. Arguing against criticism is like a political hand wave, "at least WE'RE doing something!"

Then I'm surprised they haven't been rolling it out on the festival circuit to drum up interest. I forgot about this movie from when it was first casting until now. It looks like on overpolished, overemotional dud to me. Preaching to the choir stuff. I'm sure it'll get tons of Globes noms/wins because they love these

A Charlie Kaufman movie? Best picture nod? Too weird. Too good. Won't happen.

A good Ryan Reynolds movie? Impossible

I'm sure he's much more twisted but you literally can't read an article about Terrence Howard that the guy doesn't come off as a complete and utter creep.

Didn't Spielberg consult a lot of futurists and engineers and designers for the film? I always thought the film's depiction of future technology to be incredibly fascinating and it still feels more accurate and predictive than 90% of sci-fi, even the stuff that doesn't work in reality.

Delays are due to legal issues, not creative.

Damn, was hoping D'Angelo would step in front of the camera. International man of mystery.

It's my dream to scuba but I had ear problems as a child and the pressure even going 10 feet down is very intense for me so I guess that's out…

If its too dangerous they won't recover your body - hence the dead zone.

So tossing in a token character for the purpose of reassuring the audience "see, we don't think Mexico is all bad!" is a solution? I haven't seen the movie but I can imagine you could depict the cartel and area as abhorrent without having to actually endorse that view as a universal truth.

There was a guy on the balcony at the Anomalisa screening that got to put in his question after the Q&A was supposed to wrap because some other asshole stole his turn, but then goes, "this isn't a question", cue groan from entire audience. He then spills out a rambling confession about him being a writer and how

Yeah. It's a quite odd change, and odd that a gorgeous film of landscapes and brief battles is shot in the compressed 4:3

A lot of people with industry/press passes and hardcore 30+ movie people with loaded schedules make judgement calls in the first act whether they stay or not. And then lots of people just hate the particular movie. I don't get the mentality myself, but I've been tempted to walk out of one or two.

I loved Cosmopolis but wasn't super crazy about this. Different kinds of crazy.

Editing. I guess, mixing would really make that slurp POP though.

Tom Hiddleston gushed on stage post-High Rise about Wheatley and Field in England in particular. He was noting how it had this very particular relationship between British history and its ecology. I dunno if he was blowing hot air but he said it made him nostalgic for home (while he was filming in the US). I suppose