
There are pretty much always walk outs. I saw many more walkouts during The Assassin last night.

I saw it on Monday. It was very interesting, worth seeing. I'm very mixed on it, want to see it a couple more times. I think Wheatley made some misguided choices in the middle about how he shrinks time and there are some pacing issues that everyone I talked to, including people who loved it, admit are there. Still,

The snake was already really awkward when speaking in this trailer. I'm not against the live-action-ing of these Disney movies, but what happened to art direction? Looking forward to artistic interpretations coming back in style rather than just 'render all the memorable characters and their quirky animations into

Psh- are you serious? You think a movie with badass sweeping actions scenes, huge bass hits and uber-realistic bears and tigers will indignify itself with cheery kids music?! I will only allow it if it is in the background serving as an easter egg that I can discover via a list on a movie blog.

He is incredibly understated in Green Room. None of the big theatrics. He makes the character extremely interesting. He demands (and gets) authority and respect from both the characters and audience but then you think for a second and are repulsed by him - its this tug of war between his presence in the moment and who

Saw Son of Saul which was great. Cinematography choices were really interesting. Nice to see a Holocaust film that isn't just about perseverance and survival. Also Green Room, which was a lot like Blue Ruin but maybe more crowd pleasing.. really tight, well made thriller. Not much to it or to take away but its

I really never thought of this as torture porn. The kid is twisted and merciless, which is kind of frustrating and disturbing when its happening but when its over it makes more sense as a child in anguish who is isolated and the mother does herself no favours with her harsh, strict discipline to a kid who has just

I don't think you should really define horror movies by whether they are scary or not since that is so subjective - its like saying a comedy movie isn't a comedy if its not funny. Movies like Cabin in the Woods or Evil Dead etc. are horror comedies because they ARE horror movies and use horror conventions but do it

It always gets brought up because of its popularity but Argento did tons of great giallos (gialli?) like Deep Red and Bird With the Crystal Plummage being the best and legitimately good, I think.


He was great, I agree

He's not flippant though. He makes a good argument.


Pretty much as integral as 3D could ever be.


Compared to other franchises though? It's not one that I ever considered to be a 'huge' franchise or anything. It's so utterly generic, the appeal of the games is in the gameplay mechanics, not the story or world or characters.

You are the AV Club's bread and butter, my friend.

I had a friend working on effects for this movie — i know, more hearsay — but it was apparently a total mess because of Trank's lack of leadership and experience and the studio had completely abandoned any prospects for it. It was a dead film walking for a long time.

3 years to finish two books? Martin has already lost.

You'll watch them