
They wouldn't, because everyone knows network movie adaptations turned procedurals not only disregard fans and inside references, but actually have contempt for them.

You get a choice here:
1. Miserable whining, or
2. Completely off-topic memes

I dunno, did you watch the teaser?

You just couldn't resist, could you?

Quick, someone call Oliver Stone to show these yahoos what's what when it comes to tact in political dramas!


There were initial hopes that the sequel could have had more ambition. I mean, making Silver Surfer a central figure in the film wasn't the most obvious, easy choice. There was a chance. Then the first footage was shown and even Sue Storm was less sexy. What the hell!!!!

This is such a great summary of Michael Moore. I don't know if a better one could ever be written. I applaud you.

It is pretty tedious. But when he does get around to killing people it is truly revolting… so, I don't know if that's a good thing?

Ah, ok. Tricky situation. Interesting.

Can you elaborate? The article isn't exactly clear.

Idiots are abroad everywhere where there is intense fandom. Advertising is propaganda to young and weakminded people. Gamers hail to the gospel of Valve and Blizzard. Movie nerds bow before Marvel or Pixar. Everyone seems to love Uber and Airbnb these days for some reason. Do some good stuff first and be evil later.

God bless Antoine Fuqua. One of the most consistently poor-to-average working directors. The second his name attaches to a script you instantly know the movie will be a pass. He never fails us.

Can't get behind him being better than PDL, or even being 'good' in general.. the role is pretty easy and he plays it as tired and lazily as any (the role just calls for it this time)

I dug how we are xx months later and there is basically no consequence or change to their lives or the plot as a result. The second we are reintroduced to each character something directly related to the plot is happening. There is no "this is their lives now" glimpses of Farrell doing tedious security work or Vaughn

Or one that the creator/writer of this show actively wrote for.

This, if its true, doesn't negate all the other horrible aspects of Frank's character and why he rightfully should not have access to his son.

I'm really enjoying reading the response to this season because it feels like TD has been exposed. I rolled my eyes through S1 but any time I criticized the writing I was crucified by the hoards. McConaughey was undoubtably great in the role but the entire production felt like one massive showboat from the writing to

Very true. His arc kind of reminds me of Stringer Bell, but someone like Stringer is way too smart and savvy to wax poetic like this. He was a pragmatic character.

Welcome to Toronto, where everyone hates everything.