
Guess you'd have to actually analyze the edit, direction and shots of the sequence to know for sure!
But fuck it!

Curious if there will be any consequence for no one ever calling in back up or radioing that any officers were down. Probably not.

I disagree. I had trouble tracking where McAdams was in relation to the other two. Because she was on the opposite side of the bus, I guess, flipping between the cops became confusing. I thought they had the gang pinned but apparently not.

I get what you are saying but these all feel like excuses for plain old bad writing. Maybe he was going for this stuff but… maybe not. Maybe the actors can't deliver it. I rolled my eyes plenty last season but the difference is McConaughey could make it sound right.
The difference between this and pulp is pulp is fun,

I really liked S1. Never got around to S2. How was it? I remember there being concern a longer season arc could undo a lot of that slow paced nothingness that made S1 different.

I'm really loving the extremely redundant and unhelpful organization of the best albums.


Two different groups of people, probably.
True Detective's audience is likely a little more savvy than the pandering Newsroom audience.
At the same time, True Detective gets called out, rightly so, for being naval-gazing and up its own ass. Not that it's not frequently excellent too.

And the movies that are 'worthy' of his time get little more than an indifferent shrug by the very people complaining about his mainstream fare. Can't win em all I guess.

The first season pretty much sucked outside of Episode 4 which was so good it basically redeemed the entire season. I guess I'm in the extreme minority but stellar acting didn't save the naval-gazing philosophy and plot arc that didn't ever really go anywhere.
The anthology structure hinders this show more than it

The thing is, they kept trying to carry on jokes in the courtroom between Richard ordering the deletion and realizing he did that — I don't have time to laugh, it's too damn stressful! Humour is meant to deflate tension, this isn't deflating!!!!!!

S4 was easily the best season.

Aside from Walt, those were all pretty minor and insignificant mysteries. The outrigger was an interesting moment, but it falls easily into the camp of 'shit you never solve' due to the circumstance. The sickness, I think was answered by allusion… but I can't remember it all that much anymore…

How does a person like that actually manage day-to-day life?

Love not being able to view a YouTube trailer in Canada. Makes so much sense!

I think you're overstating the emphasis on dino-accuracy, but I do like your point that the series tended to treat the dinos with respect as creatures which separated them from just becoming kaiju movies. But, I haven't seen this one, maybe that thought just needs to be updated? From the trailers it seems like these

He made that statement to her earlier this very season. You don't think that exchange was specifically designed to lead into this episode? It's only a few episodes apart!

1. It's a fictional television show. People seem really bad at separating fiction from reality these days.
2. No one wants to watch a show where a parent just scolds and lectures kids on good behaviour to give the audience pandering moral lessons.
3. It's satire.
4. Who is this "we" thats "going to pretend" all this? An

To me, it seems the definition for 'amateur' has shifted from the production to the girl's experience in the industry.

Counterpoint: all the Mad Max trailers were absolutely amazing.