
If that sequel NEEDS to be made, at least it's being made by someone like Villeneuve, rather than some newbie music video director.

The thing is that only the classics that have depth have survived the test of time and public consciousness. So many people don't realize that. We don't remember every weekends blockbuster from 50 years ago like we remember last year's. In 50 from now, only the few truly great Hollywood movies will be cherished, and

It makes it easier when you are getting paid crazy figures to train daily to build a specific physique for a movie. That's literally your job during pre-pro. Although something like The Lobster probably doesn't have those resources so they just ask nicely.

This is an article about an actor's smile and/or vocabulary.

Gus Van Sant hasn't done anything decent in at least 10 years. He's riding the coattails of…. something. When was the last time he wasn't up his own ass?

So, the same thing he says each year at every one of his press conferences. These have to be pre-recorded with the poster in the background just digitally swapped right?

They don't realize that at all. They also don't care.

Yes to all your points. Electro's motivation was 'fuck it, let's get lunch' thought out. However, I dug the Times Square scene (also how they portrayed spidey senses there). Green Goblin in the plot didn't really work, but the fact that he was an actual Goblin, as was Norman, was more inspired than the Power Ranger

Am I the only person that thinks ASM2 is better than 1?
1 was such a victim of meddling in the edit that its basically incoherent. They backed out of the secret history plot so it became just a complete retread of Raimi's film with a big CGI baddie, no Daily Bugle, cool-guy Peter Parker, a skateboarding scene feat.

The first 15 minutes of ASM2 got the Spider-Man character down perfectly, but I think their portrayal of Peter Parker is completely fucked up in absolutely every respect. They did good with Spider-Man because of how fun Garfield plays him, so care-free against common thugs that spout comically over-the-top shrieks

We'd like one Skrillex, please!

I don't know if generalizations could be any more broad…

I don't know what wouldn't make them good phones? Are you sure you don't just have a shitty provider?

You've got it backwards.

Why is Alex shitting on the editors as well here? If he listened to Whedon in context, he talks about how the editors supported his argument.

I guess the reason for canon in this series would be to establish some linear time passage within context to the parks and islands and how the world responds. It seems like they AREN'T bothering much with canon in this film (and just drop the word in BTS videos cause it's 'trending' or some shit). I say they aren't

Gotta wear clothes all movie to cover up all those embarrassing tattoos he got when he was an immature kid!

You needed to wait until those movies to stop trusting Avi Arad??

You New Yorkers really have run out of things to worry about havent you?

Maybe I'm just drunk but where is the link to the actual website this article is about??