
Actually interested in a link to where Cronenberg said that about Pattinson. I've read a lot about Cosmopolis, not as much about MttS but I've never heard that before.

Did you try in other browsers and see if it reproduces the problem? I don't have that issue on Chrome. Could be an Adblock side effect? I've experienced weird formatting issues with Adblock before.

Everyone knows that the most problematic scene was the drunk dad dinner scene because it was closest to derailing the movie into melodrama. A real issue, unlike this invented one.

I do this too but the problem is that because they get so many doors slammed in their faces, they interpret basic human decency as a success or something and then become overly persistent to the point where you regret your hospitality. That's my experience anyways.

This thread really makes me want to start watching Oz. Sounds fucking bananas

Yeah but it still applies if there were last minute edits because in the script and shooting phase, they had a purpose, as asinine as it may have been — and was butchered by a preditor (producer editor).

Eli Roth's career is interesting because it seems like he gets more incompetent as he goes along. Every new film is a whole step down. Cabin Fever was good, Hostel was ok, Hostel II was bad and Green Inferno was awful. I guess he can only go back up?

Green Inferno was terrible - but then again, I don't really dig cannibal exploitation flicks. But even by those standards it has no real balls or throwback qualities. It's got precisely one good gag in the middle that makes it play more like a spoof but otherwise it's so bargain bin modern horror it's hardly worth it

Jesus. If I just read their front page I'll have all the knowledge I'll ever need about everything that could presumably come up in other people's conversations, allowing me to swiftly interrupt with my smug superiority.

I imagine it as an odour.

Any tips on getting tickets? I am going to visit NYC next fall and want to get two but they seem comically difficult to get. I guess you just stand in line for 24 hours or something horrible?

You mean that the story is of a bunch of merciless Nazi hunters and our own satisfaction from watching them kill is equal to the Nazi command's satisfaction from watching a Nazi mercilessly kill Allies in their own film?

[backs away, slowly]

You're off to a great start!

Doubles as an eye chart!

No, but BORN LIKE THIS and KEYS TO THE KUFFS were both awesome in their own respects. The new NehruvianDOOM is pretty weak though, but he is only one two or three tracks and serves more as a producer. Solid samples on it though.

Donny, you're out of your element.

Huh, this piece really seems really bent out of shape and personal.. oh, it's Katie Rife. That explains it.

wtf is starz lol

I would prefer it if the icon was a hand giving ME the finger because that's what I feel like my computer does whenever I switch away from TextEdit which somehow causes the system to lock up.