
And that he is literally Hitler!

Tasha is great, although I feel like she needs to write more for TOS.

The love speech was the worst moment of the movie. No scientist or astronaut would ever speak or think that. It's insulting and sentimental. It's stupid. And love isn't the only thing, my boner for Anne Hathaway would transcend too, as would blinding rage for such an unprofessional astrophysicist.

Or they could just allow people to use the age-old spoiler tags on the normal reviews.

I suppose. I didn't find this too distracting. I think characters pointing out strange observations is a fairly natural thing to do. It's much more distracting when they are EXPLAINING what we are seeing, such as explaining what a black hole is as if talking to a high school physics student who is struggling and has

Cooper's son was so underwritten I wish that when he went into the fourth dimension or whatever he saw the past where his son goes to therapy to discuss the horrid neglect he suffered due to his father's obvious favouritism towards Murph.

So what? I mean, it's not an excuse to write shitty dialogue because some hypothetical people are morons. At the same time, as a business investment I understand why you'd want to cast a wider net. But I don't care about the business aspect because I'm selfish.

Eh, why does everyone fear paradoxes in time travel stories? They are messy but cool, I think.

Maybe people would be more accepting of funding you if you didn't insist on building the launch pad right outside your super secret doorway in your fucking conference room MICHAEL CAINE!!!!!

As @avclub-acaf2711a4baf8d79ab527b471448b4b:disqus said, Gravity.

Yes, you probably will, especially if you see it in IMAX. There isn't a lot of jerkiness but a lot of SPINNING. Mix that with the bending of visual space to simulate wormholes, it really fucks with your head and sense of orientation and place.

I found this movie intensely emotional, even throughout all the really heavy sci-fi aspects that would normally deflate the human story.

Good point - I've never looked at any of the Marvel movies with the same scrutiny as Nolan's Batman ones because they've never taken themselves as seriously. I still dismiss a lot of the more nitpicky attacks on the Batman movies, but they definitely invite more ridicule when their villains have nonsensical plots vs.

Bane was an excellent villain, I actually liked Catwoman a lot even though she seemed kind of incidental, and I liked the timeline and several other aspects. But I definitely don't agree that the storyline was good or the themes were sound. Cinematography was excellent but the directing and editing were pretty poor,

He also had time, unlike the ticking-bomb motivator in the last movie.

That's true - to a degree. But stupid shit and poor writing in old movies still gets plenty criticized. Off the top of my head, you mention Superman and everyone knows how lame it was when he turned back time and when he threw that "S" emblem cocoon thing in the second movie.

What does "watching" a throne mean?

"stitching these shots together from camera pans of single scenes during the show’s native 4:3 aspect ratio presentation."

Let's just agree that both can be scary.

He just put it through the trusty ol' von Trier filter!