
Is it?

But it was pretty.


Yeah true - the video title is confusing as well though. Still, I'd like to be able to read even a blurb from the directors about their picks.

Or better yet, context of why they chose those deaths. Like, I'd love to know why someone would choose a completely unexceptional death like the one in Dark Knight Rises when asked for a single pick for best gruesome death.

I still think Begins is a good Batman movie and a cool origin story. I definitely think it's better than Rises because it can stand on its own. Rises practically requires you to see Begins to parse its plotting, characters and their motivations.

Same with me for Topaz. So dull.

This is nice.

Exactly. Every reading of this as a statement on marriage seems to have stopped watching after the first act. In the beginning you can see some interesting stuff dividing the line between fantasy and reality of relationships, but once the crazy comes out, the whole concept falls apart.

I dunno, but people on both sites seem adamant about referring to each other as the OTHER rather than just the name of the site, I guess because of that bloody turf war that went down back in '13.

Problem is that every medium has it's own "death screen" so if you buy it on a digital projector it wouldn't necessarily be believable on Netflix/YouTube/Vimeo/VOD etc etc.

True. It's a double edged sword. For me, a movie like Wild Strawberries is excellent but isn't excellent in the way that has me downloading his entire filmography afterwards. But a movie that is more technically ambitious or innovative would (for me) because I'd want to see what other unique things he's done. The

Wouldn't this be…. tell, don't show..?? Because we aren't seeing anything and she's just reciting what we aren't seeing?

Too bad, if you don't know about this moment it's very shocking in the most pleasant of ways.

I don't see any reason to not begin with Persona. If you can "handle" a challenging movie then there really isn't any reason why Persona would throw you off. All his movies are challenging in their own ways. A lot of people say Wild Strawberries to start but it's slow and… I dunno… quaint?

Fuck everything about Vice

Well, he IS the original became-shitty cult figure.

I dunno. Healing pool, evil scale, evil Sayid, "gods", light cave, and most specifically, the freakin' Lighthouse - all seemed pretty supernatural to me and a far cry from the more sci-fi driven ideas of S4&5 like time shifts, wormholes, etc.

Season 6 is supernatural, maybe?

The closest thing to reliving the joy of watching Lost or Breaking Bad for the first time is showing it to someone else who is totally enthralled by it. Both shows allow me to relive sitting on the edge of my seat and getting my heart racing by vicariously watching someone else not realize big shit is about to go down