
I've seen it praised pretty consistently by writers - I think it was just how much of a failure it was at the time that made people perceive it poorly.

That's funny because Fincher's films always have some of the finest, most precise editing you'll ever see. Especially everything since Zodiac which have been Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter - though this one is just Baxter.
People always ignore editing until they see a long runtime and then suddenly the editor didn't do

Season 1 also didn't have much expectation other than prestige HBO cop show with movie stars.

Sounds like you got a grudge. That's what this sounds like.

Oh yeah, Henry Gale - probably one of the best, most suspenseful arcs of the entire show's run - yes, even more so than the hatch itself.

It will be considered a letdown just because of the phenomenon that Season 1 was. And it's different than Season 1 therefore the masses will automatically consider it inferior, whether or not that's really true.


Not sure - I assume he was trying to buy a $12 ticket with it.

That's odd because I too worked at a theatre Aykroyd would come to and the policy was to not accept American $100 bills "unless it was Dan Aykroyd" because he threw fucking fits if we didn't. Celebrities are above our annoying company policies.

I get what you're saying, but being a dick and being a racist are two pretty different things, and someone with a notoriously strong opinion standing up for a maligned figure is different than a racist doing something inconsequential like patting a dog.
Again, I know where you are coming from, but I think that there is

I've heard that, and am not really surprised. My takeaway from the video though was how the media makes news out of the negative things and ignores any positive aspects of his character (like defending a controversial feminist game commentator, which could be newsworthy if outlets wanted it to be). His asshole nature

You can. You literally select it and press delete on your keyboard. I did it probably 30 minutes ago. It's one of those "stories" that's not really a story.

It's like this great video I saw today about Phil Fish, who if you are familiar is the Kanye West of indie game developers. Pretty obvious but interesting look at how their celeb personas are shaped by the negativity-feeding gossip media.…

Is kind of weird to include in the review but it really isn't that significant and doesn't give away the main takeaway from the movie.

Meh, whatever. I can handle that Spielberg has no balls to tear apart The American Family - the weakest part of the movie is when Tom Cruise gets caught in the tripod cage thing and easily manages to blow it up and escape. Pretty silly setpiece.

Well it's getting shit on at TIFF so unlikely to be any good.

I'm still trying to figure out why she writes about herself for AV Club so often.

What about 'moist'?

There is no interesting story there. Saw it at TIFF last year. It's as dumb and meandering as any Eli Roth knock-off teeny bopper horror movie. It feels like it should be Green Inferno 3 the Straight-to-DVD edition rather than the first in a series. But I guess it might be going to straight to video after all.

Ararat is absolutely terrible.