
Better casting than the Hollywood version.

I get that, still a better overworld than Twilight Princess I think, which was pretty bare with almost no sidequests or reason to really explore much. Not as much diversity which MM has quite a bit of, comparatively.

Makes sense to me!

If not the single button can determine if you are clicking right or left side! (or use any USB mouse you might use for a PC)

Only works if you have 8.1

There are few 'get off my lawn' computer complaints more outdated than complaining about a Mac with one-button mouse. It must be at least 10 years since that stopped being relevant. Unless you're using a 10 year old mouse, it has the capability to right click.

Yeah those little problems really compounded after several hours. AC2 was the pinnacle of the series in my opinion.

The animus is the film set where Michael Fassbender has to search for the danish he requested over thirty minutes ago.

Religious people are like Trekkies. Every single mass-marketed religious movie earns a boycott, and yet they all line up to see it anyway.

Weird. Every non-cinephile I know loves Drive (and hates Only God Forgives) while pretty much every cinephile I know hates (or dislikes) Drive (and mostly also hates Only God Forgives). The 'casual' viewer friends seem more appreciative of all the genre-ness of the movie since it's so cool, while all my movie buff

Respectable, but disagree. This is a total gut-level movie, when I walked out some people were discussing it passionately, some were exclaiming obnoxiously, "WORST MOVIE EVER" but it really worked for me. Thought I was going in to a typical procedural, but got something else entirely. Doesn't make any sense, doesn't

Yeah, is there any actual logic to that paragraph? I re-read it a few times and am still wondering if it has any sort of rational thought in it. How is the fictional character and actor referenced in another film connect? There's drawing at straws and then there is this…

That exchange was like a screenwriters dream. It's the type of wordplay that only the finest of the fine conjure up. Now to steal it…

It's true. People complain that 'they'd never do that in real life!' — except the other half of the bitching is about how the characters aren't defined and we don't know anything about them.

People have been saying the Zombie Zeitgeist hits critical mass every time something zombie related gets popular. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, World War Z, DayZ, Dead Rising, every season and spinoff of Walking Dead… and yet they're still here. Popular as ever.

True. Only time will tell what the next season does. I only worry that the singular voice is what made TD stand out and a room of voices will muddle the little details that fans have obsessed so deeply over this season.

Isn't next season going to lose a lot of the flair that made this season a big sensation? I believe I recall him saying he's going to have a more conventional writers room and multiple directors next season because the pace will be much quicker to do a yearly thing (in which case, they should just not do it yearly)

Oh… my… god. You're right. Now to never watch this season because it will never live up to that imaginary standard.

Yeah, I agree. I thought it was more of a typical faux talk radio thing going in and was disappointed that they didn't play with that format more and make it seem more authentic. It's just sort of flat… with lots of "aint that weird" stuff that doesn't really amount to much..

Yes, in fact it is the characters who are not strippers that get naked in Sin City. It's a crazy place!