
You should get into advertising. You have Creative Director written all over you!

No, but she did! Amirite?!?

That would have been a way better investment.

Is that for real? Link?

Is the NYT op ed section now just for famous people to lay the smackdown on their competition? I'm all for it. This was a satisfactory follow up to Putin's "nice try Obama, but I'm still more evil" piece. I look forward to future instalments in this series. Hopefully the next one is Lindsay Lohan reasserting herself

Different folks, different strokes. I know guys who are great creators and like talking about it, but what comes out of their mouths isn't exactly coherent or seem to reflect the work. They just ramble.

Yeah, I always thought the scene was hilarious and also the harshest criticism of religion in the whole film. I mean, after that moment the whole God question is put to bed, isn't it? It's a hilarious contrast between running away from guys with swords in sandals and creatures with advanced computers engaging in laser

I believe it's streaming on Netflix.

Someone up there said it's Training Day meets Children of Men.

Let it out… let it all out.

Yeah and Reitman Jr has always come across as really smug. YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME REITMAN

It wasn't hard to follow, it was just fluffy and inconsequential and never even seemed to try to take advantage of the con angle, seemed just slapped together. Also, I don't know if this bothers anyone else, but the loose-ass editing including unnecessary stuff like Cooper in his moms house with his wife and hair

Statistically true - however can someone who has enough awards from a single source to reach double digits ever be considered 'screwed'? At that point are they like collecting stamps? I'd say the guys who get screwed are the guys who never get awarded but should.

For the amount that everyone testifies the irrelevance of the Grammys, people sure do get up in arms when the right people don't win awards that apparently are irrelevant anyways.

Boo! I can't relate to this!

He wanted us to know that he wanted Kendrick to know that he should have won! Because making a private message public shows what he's really like, privately! In public!

Hey, you guys have Lindsay Lohan, we have Ford. Fair is fair.


Why do you read it and familiarize yourself with the writers if it's so bad? I personally avoid that site like the plague.

So then, how would you describe it without falling back on academese claptrap??