
I lean towards the 4 stars. Thought this movie was really hypnotic. Not for everyone, obviously.

What the hell does your grandpa have to do with anything?

Just finishing Season 5 for the first time, I know right? I haven't read anything on it yet, but from my viewing, the serial killer thing is pretty "out there" for the characters and the grounded realism, but then again, hasn't The Wire always sort of played with "what if" scenarios in a real world setting?

How about when you are watching a show or movie and someone who has already seen it comes up to you and asks, "so have they killed so-and-so yet? Oh, no? …. Cool…"

Hated that on Lost because so many plots were picked up and dropped that a Previously On was a huge tell for where the episode was going to go and which vanished character would return etc.

This is easily, by FAR the best current feature on AVC. It really really sucks that it is only 1 per month. Push it up to bi-weekly please!

Personally, I think they should have given one of those bullshit half-apologies because one like this just validates those hyper-sensitive not-actually-offended hashtag mobs.

I do video and animation work for a living and Binding of Isaac is my go-to render-boredom cure. Looking forward to the new version without loathsome Flash, but it isn't usually a big problem for me. Good to blast through a few levels and despite putting several hours into it, I still haven't beaten Mom.

If you havent yet, watch Indie Game The Movie. Amazing doc, not just for games fans either. Really shows the risk/reward of creating things and how the community can both foster and destroy both your work and yourself. Plus it features McMillen.

True. I'm finding myself drifting to the polar ends of games these days, I either am interested in pure-gameplay style games (which is why Nintendo is still so awesome to me, Mario 3D World-wow) and more experimental games, like Dear Esther, Proteus, Stanley Parable, Gone Home all were awesome to me despite not being

I always thought the controls were very tight. The trouble is a) being able to interpret projectiles that lob when the game is essentially 2D (there is no way of understanding how far off the ground they are) and b) understanding wtf your powerups do which was only made worse by the DLC and will be even worse with

It's the video game crowd. There is literally nothing McMillen could do without making them mad. Not making a game? Fuck you. Making a new game? Fuck you. Remaking a game? Fuck you.

Reminds me of the Louis CK N-word bit.

What's with the dashes? What is this, Wheel of Fortune?!

Because Italian's aren't coming up with cool rip-offs of genre stuff anymore. See also: giallo.

How do you laugh at it in a pretentious way??


I've never seen the show and the trailer does nothing for me. Looks like a very by-the-numbers comedy-thriller, the only reason I'm inclined to think otherwise is because I know it's a show a lot of people swear by. The trailer is all these in-references where (I guess) recurring characters show up for the fans which

Well, he can't call them "joints", now can he?!?

When was the last time he even posted here?