
@disqus_5iPX2cyzfR:disqus A gimmick that breaks character? Booo!
Also, the downvoting scourge of ego-brusing has already begun!!

It would be amazing if in this version the Cartel was who they worked for and they crossed the border to take out the American gangs up in the USA.

I haven't seen Homeland so the whole episode and it's supposed jokes really didn't work (I only tuned in for the first half). I mean, at least when Mulder and Scully showed up their plotline was relevant to The Simpsons and you didn't need to see The X-Files to understand they are MIB types (I hadn't seen X-Files when

It's also a bit tough to get into. When I started it, even knowing what I was getting into, I thought "this for two hours…" but then you get in the groove and it's a great watch. Many people would probably be turned off completely in the beginning and never give it another shot.

That's pretty much the best sell for it.

Personally, I think the burglar and the old guy is too far on the opposite end of the spectrum where it's forcing the intelligent thought with it's awkwardly contrived set-up. My personal favourite is the JFK conspiracy theorist because it rings so true to those situations where a small polite gesture can be seen by

Thought the opera music was interesting off the top but then I was waiting for the energy to come in - but no..  just really cheesy VO.

Everyone hates Iron Man 2, but he made it watchable.

Well, that was a failure.

Sure, swimming's nice, but I'll take a boat.

Comments like this and generally engaging in discussion the comments has served the writers here well in the past and helped build a relationship between them and the readers. Would love to see more discourse from you Mr. Dowd and the other newer writers here as it's true what Chartex said, you guys are something of

But Steve McQueen and Michael Fassbender told me it was a TOTALLY SERIOUS ISSUE

Conveniently, I am from Bizarro-world

Yeah, by the 'first world problem' metric you could put down someone like Noah Baumbach's movie and then needlessly dismiss FRANCES HA, which is actually one of the year's best movies.

Of course.

Boo-urns to you. Low class.

Also, this way you have to buy TWO full-price season boxsets for half the episodes once they hit DVD. Half season, full season price. Makes sense.

That'd be nice.

Bob and Sal's Big Gay Party

I read the book and liked it a lot. But reading this recap after not watching a single episode…. what the holy fuck? What are they talking about? What's going on in this show?