
@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I wasn't thinking of the WW thing from a gender perspective, but I guess that's true. I was talking more from a general launch-franchises-competently point of view.

No Wonder Woman because WB can't get their shit together. You had never heard of Iron Man before the movie? Well either way, Iron Man, and even Thor are much easier sells than a guy named "Ant Man", regardless of how cool or not he actually is.

I know we all want to shit on studio executives but I'm going to assume that they are fully aware of this to, and have some sort of plan to respond to this competition.

[awkward silence]

He actually does! Holy shit! Brolin for Batman!

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus In Chronicles of Riddick you can see your own body actually. It's one of the distinguishing features that makes sneaking and crouching through tight spaces and the hand-to-hand combat so immersive and feel so different than almost any other FPS game.

Clash of the Titans cast was definitely way better in the remake. Didn't mean shit.

Is he as strangely philosophical as his Twitter account?

The Cruella De Vil thing is so spot on, wow. Then Rapace turns around and cackles back at McAdams but multiplying the intensity to maximize the abrupt awkwardness of the whole scene. The thing plays like some brutally genius Workplace Harassment tape.

Funny enough, I saw De Palma's PASSION last year at TIFF. I thought it was stupid and the audience seemed to be laughing AT the movie a lot. I was shaking my head and facepalming a bit at some of the scenes… only to discover De Palma was sitting directly behind me the whole time (they called him up after the

My Netflix Instant now says "Best of Your List" - fuck you Netflix, all of my List is the best, show the whole damn thing!


But… but… Shaun is the out-and-out funniest!!

The filmmakers of all of the summer's films are reading the comments and laughing in joy! TAKE THAT DOWD

Grave was well-animated and had some staying power but it was manipulative as fuck. I might be in the minority on this one though.

Well thanks for the explanation!

God damnit. If Hulu just came to Canada with Criterion I'd—-oh wait, I have Media Hint installed on Chrome. Carry on.

Yeah, that was some bullshit.

Writer's strike: saves Breaking Bad, ruins Heroes. They should strike more often!

Fuck off guys! He just got married! Give the guy some slack!!!!