Peter Sellers Ate My Burrito

Lucas is just jealous that the best edition of Star Wars is the one in "Reign of Fire"

Yeah, simply referencing something on a larger platform that you thought was only acknowledged by you and your friends (maybe) was a big deal and the stock and trade of early Simpsons and MST3K.

It's correct to say that Star Wars was always a very known and present commodity in the 80s and 90s but pop culture in general wasn't, at least not like today. There were three channels on TV, news wasn't on 24 hours, catching James Bond on the ABC movie of the week was a big deal. When I was 13 I asked for a copy

Great article. Thank you!. I was born in '75 but didn't catch "Star Wars" (I'm with you on the correct title, Sean) until the '79 re-release. I have vague memories of either falling asleep or waking up during the attack on the Death Star. For me, Star Wars began with seeing "Empire". I will carry the shock and


Personally, I think they're a bit latte in the game for rebranding.

I don't suppose they'd consider dropping their "donuts" from the menu?

Including this comment!

I'm showing my bias here ( I grew up in the Moore era) but I think his tenure gets an unfair rap. I will go to my grave defending the quality and enjoyment levels of FYEO, LALD, TSWLM at the very least. Moonraker was my first Bond movie so I'm perhaps a little too forgiving but I think it's pretty good until they get

The Comment Who Angered Me


Run the Series!

I don't remember much of the remake but I thought they made good use of the locations in China and it goes without saying that Jackie Chan was infinitely more interesting than Jayden. That was the big drawback for me, they couldn't get the audience's built in empathy and respect for Jackie Chan to translate to an

It's like Morrissey vomited a thesaurus and an anime comic on the page at the same time.

Disney's "The Foxy Hound"

They probably need to stop feeding him so many beans.

Uh. For once can't we shed the bad jokes and embark on some meaningful critical analysis?

[Looks at pic of Gene Simmons] Not only is Gene Simmons the President of Chia Hair, he's also a customer!

"I'm sorry, Dave. This tit is too orgy for me to czar you with it."

I won't get fooled again into another pun thread.