Peter Sellers Ate My Burrito

You don't have to explain 1970s sportscasting at all to me. Everything from Howard Cosell to "…the agony of defeat" is ingrained into my childhood.

Thhhaat's the last time I work with thomeone with a sthhhpeechhh impediment.

"Ho, Ha ha, Guard, Turn, Perry, Dodge, Spin, Ha, Thrust!" ……..SMACK!

They should have just named the next one "Zirconia is Forever"

Trader Joe's is where all of the Rogues Gallery from Adam West Batman shops.

His hair wasn't perfect.

And since they started demanding money instead of a goat or one of my daughter's hands in marriage, they're no longer even TRADER!

Eating those after sticking them in the freezer for a few hours has……opened new meaning into my life

Edward Snowden peas.

Cheez Whiz has quality control??

My mom is from Pawtucket and I can confirm both "cabinet" and "bubbluh" .

Linda Hamilton who had the indignity to turn 40?

Counterpoint: how many team are willing to admit they have a theme song by Scott Stapp?

I saw LA Confidential with some friends for my birthday when it came out and it remains practically the only 1997 pop culture thing worth discussing 20 years later as far as I'm concerned.

No. It's lazy storytelling THAT Rose changes because of lazy, one-dimensional, and trite events of the movie. Changing because the plot requires it vice changing out of some more organic, truthful, character development is my argument for why the story in the movie fails.

Getting from A to B in a move is far less important than how it gets from A to B. Case in point, you say "I found that, more than their puppy love, really touching — that she goes on to live a better life because of this romantic experience that only lasted a couple of days." If you believe such a significant

The Apostle- Glorious Stupid Fun.

I'm a sucker for thrillers and locked rooms stuff so hence the bias but

Way to dump on a movie because you automatically dismiss the genre.

The Black Hole. Sorry, I guess we can't be friends. But I actually have a copy of Alligator somewhere.