Peter Sellers Ate My Burrito

Third base!

Nothing to apologize for. It's a total blast and they use the settings and plot as a perfect foil to Roger Moore's stuffy, super-Brit, appearance.

I Bette you can.

"Although she’s the only living person to be depicted on the series…" . I hate to correct the writer but it's common knowledge that Joan Crawford has risen from the grave.

Mitch is such an excellent whore, too.

Great. Another silly pun list. Can't we just Olivia it alone?

For Your Cash Only

What Else He Witnessed.

Murder, actually.

You're a zombie?

You must be quite the language Maze Runner to connect all those games.

Do. Not. Mention. John. Carpenter. And."Death." Together!

Maybe. But we're talking about the influence of the movie's itself, not the director's. And I'd even argue that Snyder isn't as culturally influential as some might argue. Making box office hits is not the same as "influence". Beyond his style of opening credits, I don't know if (m)any filmmakers have utilized his

I would disagree even that 300 wins on influence over a genre-changing Casino Royale. What did 300 give us that really lasted more than the bare minimum of time to qualify for passing fancy?

The Ice Cream Man?

Only a Breitbart speaks in absolutes.

Totally agree, but are we actually arguing that the original Scarface sucked?

Anthony Michael C. Hall & Oats

Escape from the Bullpen of the Planet of the Apes