Peter Sellers Ate My Burrito

I just read this and I'm not sure I'm still in my original dimension

"Spared no damn dirty apes!"

Walk With Me

The always enjoyable Astonishing Legends podcast did a nice couple of episodes on Earhart and this theory a few years back.

Great. Another pun thread. Just one of a minion on this site.

You're only saying that because C-3PO disconnected his Virgin Alert about an hour after meeting R2D2.

That's good because I'm here to view the tapestries.

Personally, I think Cosby is just trying to saddle himself up (in the public's mind) to the Duke lacrosse team who were falsely accused. The logic being that if enough of the public associate student athletes as the most likely victims (because of Duke) and the Cos can hide his reputation among them, then the public

-Mackenzie Phillips.

It's been a long time since I've seen that movie but, the nighttime scene between him and Robert Duvall at the lake is one of his and Duvall's finest acting moments.

Zevon is my missed-a-million-possible-opportunities pick (as opposed to Talking Heads who broke up before I was old enough to see them live).

I think the implication was Zak Starkey brought their loud and pounding sound back to life after the post Moonie Kenny Jones and the whatever-the-hell-that-was 1989 tour era.

The Who would have been my choice too since they've been my favorite band since I was 7. I'd go back to see them @ '66 when they were still young, angry, broke, and playing in smaller clubs. The energy must have been off the charts.

The 1999 Mummy is the real 4th Indiana Jones movie.

That's where you've always gotten it wrong. The movie's anti-sand stuff was a fake out by the Main Stream Sand industry to drive down the share price so they could turn around and buy it all up at pennies on the dollar. This will all come out in my forthcoming documentary "It Gets Everywhere: How Big Sand Lied To

His dad named him that so he would grow up tough by way of beating the hell out mockers.

I would go home and watch those now but with the way things are going, I'm afraid I need to save them for a tribute viewing after his death.

Stacy Keach will always be Mike Hammer to me.

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

What it must have been like to see Metropolis…