
Ah sorry was in a hurry and mixed the name. Fixed. It’s already been a day and unlike the current administration I can admit I made a mistake due to hurrying and correct it.

Get the fuck out of my country, you ignorant hick. The illegals are more American than you could ever hope to be.

“Hey 16 year old son and 15 year old daughter, aren’t you excited to have twin sized bunk beds in a room that’s four feet wide?”

And you know their “travel the country” nonsense is a load of bullshit

I would fund these kids’ legal fund.

Your children are going to snap and murder you. Please stop.

These people drive me insane.

and one from Kourtney for fixing a wifi issue

It’s an interesting approach. Back in the days of CRTs they used to have detector vans that could detect the signal from the receivers and they would check that against records of who had a license.


Yeah, I have a MAJOR issue. Zelda is consuming my entire life, and I’m at risk of losing a grip to anything else I lived for before this game. So...can I, like, sue Nintendo for that?

What a wonderful time to be alive!

I’m glad someone enjoyed that line. I thought it was one of my better efforts today.

I applaud your utopianism, but it won’t happen (neither the young nor the old) for precisely the reason the reverse already happened.

No, the People’s Republic of Kaliferrnia is a Kommie infiltration. They are Soshalists from weird countries and they want to take away our freedom’s and gun’s and car’s and Bible’s. They also want to turn us all into LGBT’s and pay for the illegal’s. They should saceed from the Union and we should pull their funding

This never failed with my two sons—who are now amost teens—and Who countless times flew domestic and internationally: I prepared carefully the several days before flying, buying many small and inexpensive treats (snacks, candy, matchbox cars, Ring Pops, playdoh, coloring books and art supplies etc.) and splurging on

Mitch McConnell makes a mockery of decency, fair play and the United States Constitution. And, of course, soup.

This is LITERALLY the song I was thinking of when I wrote this comment. It sounds like Daniel Powter, and other songs from that year like Cable Car by the Fray, and Five for Fighting’s terrible 100 years song.

Now playing

Nothing will top the trailer for the shitty Lifetime Brittany Murphy biopic.

“When The Veldt sends it people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of beasts and they’re bringing those beasts to us. They’re bringing Silver Lobos. They’re bringing Crawlies. They’re Greasemonks. And some, I assume, are good Espers.”