
The route from the Gulf of California would basically run aside the Colorado River over a much longer distance and the same elevation gain...but also, next to a primary source of water for three US and two Mexican states over the course. So, everything you mentioned above, plus an international incident.

Fair use is a legal defense. It is not a blanket policy that allows for a few seconds of use. If he was providing commentary on “Baby Shark” or parodying it, he could argue fair use if he was brought to court. But, it doesn’t prevent the copyright holder from filing a claim or a takedown.

As far as broadcasting goes,

Enda is also vulnerable to contagion, so a mastered phantom with the salve-maker's compound can wipe her MP in a few rounds, and it seems she doesn't really have any contingency moves once she's out. Also, the same strategy with paralysis works great on the thief/beast master/bard/gambler and

The flavor text writers of FFXIV are the true champions of Eorzea; it is known.

Welcome to the next 900 or so hours of your life!

It’s not just performance royalties, though I can tell you that Amazon would need to spend a ton of time and money to get those cleared for the platform, since they have to make deals with every performance rights organization in any territory Twitch is available. The content creator is also responsible for securing a

It’s definitely this.  The CA GOP’s toy ballot boxes are being set up at churches, gun shops, and other places where the clientele is probably voting Republican.  When their votes aren’t counted because they didn’t properly authorize a third party to deliver their ballots, they’re going to cry disenfranchisement.

Same.  My copy is actually lent to a friend of a friend...and while I’m not itching to play it again anytime soon, I would like to know it’s doing well.

Personally, I think it was a missed opportunity to not treat Byleth like Pokemon Trainer. It would’ve been awesome to be able to swap Claude, Dmitri, and Edelgard in and out, instead of just their weapons.

There was only one time loop in Second, and the whole point of it is to get the other classes you missed out on the first time.  You’re blowing this way out of proportion.

I dunno, there were a few questionable moments (the bread and avocado, for sure), but it isn’t like his sandwich came out inedible, or even bad! This is nowhere near “his parents didn’t teach him how to cook” level.

It’s not creating a new audio master, but a lot of labels have blocking rights involved in re-recording (and this includes performances that will stream or re-air) in their contracts - so, if they want, they can deny uses or insist on a fee as well.

Also, Taylor is now saying that BMLG owes her $7.9 Mil instead, and

That’s not correct - they actually just ended their mileage partnership. Alaska bought out Virgin a few years ago though?

Hah, this is what I came down here to say.  Except I think he did have a pimped-out sewer situation, right?

I’m kinda confused here because both Raisen brothers have multiple posts bragging about being co-writers on the song for like, two months now.  Seems like they would’ve been less congratulatory if the song were in dispute?

And before. Don’t forget, he was doing this BEFORE Fyre Fest.

But you’re correct, grifters gonna grift.

Pretty sure that as the ranking GOP member on the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins is not trying to investigate shit.  See: everything in the above article he did today.

Counterpoint - you can pee everywhere in this one.  What other game allows you such freedom!

I made it a point to track down and befriend someone in college just because they had shared this soundtrack on iTunes, and I didn’t ever want to be stuck without it.

I was ready to rage-comment on this, and then I realized that maybe I don’t like the compositions either and they’re just comforting? Especially considering the examples you mentioned (and I would add, I loved the YS VIII soundtrack too) are far and away, so much better.  And also, there are like six songs in the