
Pardon, but you seem to be forgetting that we came for your tea first! Like, two and a half centuries ago.  Hating on tea is basically the longest-standing American tradition at this point!

Might be one reason why the Brits prefer to refer to seasons as “series”. Typically, a season will have its own story arc that will more or less complete at the end.

It’s likely that by the time Blu-Ray came around, the rights were negotiated for all media, so streaming and DTO should be fine. You mostly run into problems pre-2005, when nobody thought there would ever be television on the internet.

Vauxhall is correct. Every season of Real World has had both confessionals (the camera is operated by the talent and there is no questioning) and interviews. You can tell because the interviews have changing backgrounds (and in more recent seasons, you’ll often hear the producer questions), whereas a confessional is

I thought that the only reason why Trump/other Republicans can get away with this is because it’s a live event and either the venue or the campaign (or both) have licenses with the PROs...BUT, Pharrell could still sue under right of publicity laws.

Also, Pharrell is with GMR, and I would be shocked if anybody in the

We actually ordered this for a party a few years ago.  Tasted fine, and more importantly, the photo ops were spectacular.

I’ve gotten it before. The idea is that it’s a giant novelty pizza, not that it’s efficient in any sort of way. It’s fun! You can get pictures of your smaller friends in the box after!

You know that’s how the show makes money though, right?

My favorite thing about this lawsuit is that most of my friends who are worried (or “worried”?) are the same motherfuckers who swear that essential oils are a panacea that will solve all of society’s ills.

Well...I’m pretty sure essential oils involve limonene.

OK, I’m totally here for this. Especially the normally horrific but probably really good in coffee coconut flavor. I could see orange being really great too - the carbonated coffee i had in Nashville had hints of orange in it.

Question though - how do you keep the carbonation while it’s brewing? Or, do you make some

So here’s the thing - they could’ve asked for a perpetual license (yes, it is a thing in video games, just as it is in film and TV), or they could’ve gone with a composer who wasn’t under an agreement with a music publisher (in this case, BMG). He didn’t and now he’s throwing a tantrum to the internet.  I have no

Interestingly, I just learned today that Orrin Hatch is a songwriter:

You’re correct - my mistake!

Yeah, that sounds like it’s definitely a license then! Basically they have the right to use the song within the game, but those rights don’t transfer to other media (youtube, twitch) or any situation out of context of the game, since obtaining those rights would’ve more expensive and not worth the cost to SE.

You know

Nah, that song is owned by Square Enix (and represented by Warner Chappell, as is their entire catalog). There is zero chance they would license a theme throughout the game as opposed to owning it outright (plus Nobuo did it as a work for hire).  Besides, the game has been re-released on other platforms.  I think your

I mean, that’s a lot of “theys” you’d have to convince. SAG, the DGA, the HFPA, etc all think their awards are equally valid, so really the only solution here would be to have Disney pay these organizations off to not broadcast their shows, I guess?

I definitely agree everybody involved should be drunk though.

True, but it also shot deathrays into the neighbors’ apartments until they fixed it...

You might ask, why are these two pale dudes feuding?”

I think you meant,WHO are these two pale dudes feuding?”

See, Jason’s hatefest review not only gave me all the reasons I needed to ultimately buy Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but it’s also provided the best Kinja salt-takes ever for ten months running!

I spent way too long wondering why the hell this weird Fabio-looking goober looked so familiar. He and his mom were on The Amazing Race a few years ago and he was the absolute, fucking worst on that show.

Looks like we haven’t hit bottom yet!