
This was quite literally the plot of last season of American Horror Story!

Could be me but it seems like there’s not actually a list here...?

Could be me but it seems like there’s not actually a list here...?

It’s a hybrid system. There are two heavy rail “subway” lines (red and purple), as well as a number of under and above-ground light rail lines and right of way busways.

So, yeah, there is a true “subway” within the LA metro system. You’re free to discount it, but there is a substantial ridership that relies on it each

This is the Metro map as it currently stands.  You and your friends should try it sometime!

Even better - a “choose your own adventure” story.  Clickhole, get on this!

To clarify, West Hollywood voted to ask Los Angeles and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove Donald Trump’s star. West Hollywood is it’s own city and doesn’t control any part of the walk of fame; also, they’re really more of a really big HOA than a city council.

Long story short, it’s because our parties are much looser organizations than yours, and our elections are based on state votes rather than nationally. Also, because if our elections were 3 1/2 years long, we would all kill ourselves.

I feel like health issues may be precisely why she’s doing a residency? It’s certainly easier to stay put and do the same show every other night (maybe only a few nights a week?) than a full-blown tour, and splitting the time between the pop shows and the piano shows probably helps a great deal too.

Also having just

Hi Roseanne, welcome to Kinja!

Because it’s under their “Retired Products” section - not current.
I still watched the whole damn thing though - I’m a sucker for infomercials.

This actually just happened next to me on an Alaska flight this weekend. The flight attendant rebooked a husband and wife (and baby) into the seats next to me (one of which was empty up until that point), and then the girl sitting in the aisle got to move into a premium seat. I don’t really understand how exactly this

Oh, I mean, the rageyness is why I thought it was so entertaining and fitting for TAY! But it probably couldn’t hurt to focus said rage a bit.

FWIW, I was also flabbergasted by Jason’s review of XC2, but at the same time, I appreciated his take because I know that his problems with the game were not mine, and I

This is totally wasted in the comments section - you should flesh it out for a TAY article or something!  “A Tale of Two Open World Games” or something?

Dragon Quest has always struck me as a pretty inclusionary game overall. Just play it with the music volume slider down!

Still killing it with the wordplay, I see. Well done, sir.

Also on Hollow Night - I’m currently about 12 hours in and I’m loving it, Nintendo-hardness and all. Though, I’m gonna have to try real hard to ignore Octopath. I have a terrible habit of never resuming games if I interrupt them.

I think that’s from Bailey’s Taproom in Portland, yeah?

First time I saw that sign, I completely lost my shit.  Truly a thing of beauty.

With beer aficionados, I agree that other styles are much trendier than IPAs. With the general population, they’re JUST coming around to the fact that IPAs aren’t just pinecone juice and that maybe they actually like them.

The tram would be going from Forest Lawn parking garage, which generally isn’t as bad as the streets around the main chunk of WB and Disney. That said, Barham is already pretty much a parking lot from 5:30 to 7:30 and this is my drive home, so...yeah, not really too terribly excited.

Perhaps a more apt comparison is “The Hills” - essentially, it’s based on real people and a real place, but the whole thing is more or less a scenario-driven situation. It’s far from a docuseries where the means of drama creation are more of the “animal in a cage” variety - this is telling the monkeys to throw poo at