Peter Majda

Obviously Michelle Pfeiffer is way classier than the material in Grease 2, but to me, this isn't a performance, so much as an example of an actress early in her career paying her dues.

I second the Garland choice - I read that her performances would resemble spiritual revivals for gay guys

Great review, but I can't believe that you don't mention that Jose Gutierez Xtravaganza is featured on Katy Perry's "Swish Swish" performance along with others from the House of Xtravaganza…They're pretty legendary…

Anything by Jim Steinman has worth -

Agreed - and it was supposed to be her swan song, since she was promising us to retire, so it would've been a classy way to end her music career. But yeah, I hum that all the time…At the time that song came out, I worked at a men's boutique in Boystown, so I heard crazy remixes of that song played all the time…

I don't ***hate*** Celine Dion, but I do hate her music - that Titanic song was really, yuck…But maybe this is the queer in me talking, I do love her disco/dance-pop album cuts/b-sides. I won't buy a full LP from her, but whenever she has a record coming out, it's usually one that will have a range of styles so that

Two spring to mind. One is Johnny English, which I saw when I was staying in London, during a particularly nasty heatwave and my flat didn't have air conditioning. I went to the movie theater in Leicester Square to see this piece of crap movie. I was stunned. Stunned. At how bad it was (I chose it because the other

If the host is a comedian then yeah, she'll often help with the writing…Sometimes if the host is a comedian, she'll bring her own writers on as well to work on the sketches…

Becky Sharpe from Vanity Fair and Scarlet O'Hara from Gone with the Wind

I watch it for Jennifer Coolidge… Even in sub-par nonsense, she's hilarious.

Fantastic character actress and a criminally underrated comedienne.

I think the reason folks sometimes tip to the "extreme" of outrageousness (trust me, I cringed a little just typing that) is because we're never sure if folks are really nondescript/hetereonormative, or if they're just suppressing their real selves to "pass" or to appear "respectable"

I think Amy Winehouse is a strange case because she died so young before she could do anything else, so we won't know if she would've been able to follow up "Back to Black" with anything remotely important or good (though I have to say, I'm one of the few how preferred her debut album to "Back to Black")

None taken, 36…why?

That's a good one (I loved that 1993 record, but yeah, only massive hubris would convince those guys that covering 911 Is a Joke would be a good idea)

I agree - Jam/Lewis were really the second and third Janet Jacksons on her records…Although, I have to say, now that her career is so under the radar, and she's not competing with Rihanna, Lady Gaga, et al., I'm hoping she'll hook up with folks like Daft Punk, Gorgon, DeadMaus, Massive Attack and put out a killer

I guess the drops in their careers were so huge, which is why they both spring to mind (although given how massive they were at their peaks, it's all relative)

I guess it ***felt*** abrupt only because they were everywhere on the radio before and then suddenly it felt like -poof!- they disappeared…

Me too - although, her output got very spotty, which may have contributed to her decline (I was a huge fan but her music got very crappy in the mid aughts). I think part of it was race/gender (Justin Timberlake was fine), but I also think part of it was she just wasn't making good music anymore (if you thought her

"I can't remember any artist going from those heights to irrelevance so quickly." R.E.M. and Janet Jackson spring to mind - both were incredibly successful (stupidly so, at one point), and then abruptly, the public stop buying what they were selling…