Peter Majda

@stepped_pyramids:disqus - thank you! this bullshit of "passing" or "no passing" or "hard-looking" is gross and totally out of whack. Women and men - however they come to those identities come in all shapes and sizes and it's f'd up to use gross terms like that.

Not a fan of her dangerous views, but she's a decent comedienne - I always found her career kind of sad - missed opportunities. She did this horrible movie called 'Diamonds' with Kirk Douglas, Dan Aykroyd, and Lauren Bacall - the movie was a shit show, but she was sweet and funny in it. Since Hollywood has had a

female authors can be sexists, and if her "evil" is reduced to a gendered marker like high heels, then, yeah, it can be sexist…Haven't read the book,, so I'm not sure who accurate the slam is, though…

""The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most
unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected
person in America is the black woman." Though Malcolm X was seemingly unaware of trans issues, it's not relevant to trans black women, too

You're right…Actually, Taylor is pretty good in a lot of those Tennessee Williams adaptations…surprising because though I liked her work (and admired her activism), I never thought much of her as an actress

Judy Garland in 'The Wizard of Oz,' Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh in 'Gone with the Wind,' Marlon Brando & Vivien Leigh in 'Streetcar Named Desire,' Gregory Peck in 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' Jennifer Ehele and Colin Firth in 'Pride & Prejudice.'

First, I gotta say, I think the Oscars is nonsense and meaningless, but whatever, it means a lot to film industry folks, so it's important to them…Regarding this issue - firstly, I'm not sure but I think the video reductive -there are other categories, outside the performers' categories that I'm sure are badly biased

What David Bowie meant to me - it's funny because my exposure to David Bowie was purely his dance stuff - I only got into his more substantial rock, art-rock music after getting 'Black Tie, White Noise' and 'Earthling' - both very underrated records IMO. Along with everyone else who identified with his embrace of the

Interiors is a fantastic record (though I believe it already had a reissue) - I think that Rosanne Cash's output in the 80s was excellent, but it was this album and the ones that followed that truly made her an artist in league with her father.

James Bond is fiction - Like Santa Claus - so anyone of these ideas could work if done well….

Sharon Stone, Candice Bergen, and Lauren Bacall were like that too - eye-meltingly gorgeous, so they got leading lady parts, when they should've just been character actresses (interestingly enough, as they aged out of leading lady status, they got more interesting roles - at least Bergen and Bacall did)

There's this great scene in 'I Love Lucy' where Lucy is trying smuggle dozens of chicken eggs out of the house - not sure why - and Ricky is determined that the two of them should tango ***at that moment**, so he forces her to dance and the dance peaks with Ricky slamming his body into Lucy's smashing all the eggs -

"When Becky suddenly morphed into this beautiful Sarah Chalke, it no
longer worked because the joke was really that they were both oddballs.
Darlene just owned it" - that's an excellent assessment of the show's treatment of Becky - she was just as cracked and weird as the rest of the family, but she cared more about

Melissa Gilbert, Michael Fishman, and Lecy Goranson were amazing as siblings as was Roseanne Barr and Laurie Metcalf on 'Roseanne.' The lived-in relationship that the actors shared with each other was fantastic - and they had amazing chemistry.

Interesting review - I read the book, because I love Aziz Ansari, and I didn't think any of the academic/sociological research was all that illuminating, new, or fresh. The only parts I did like were when Ansari inserted himself into the narrative and shared a funny story from his own life. Otherwise, I felt a bit

I'm a guy and I get asked by relatives all the time when I'm going to have children, so I can just imagine how bad it is for women…And I'm not from the middle of Mormon, Utah, either…not wanting kids and choosing to be childless seems weird, misanthropic, and anti-social to a lot of people

"Choose wisely at McD's and you will eat a good, nutritious meal. But
since you can't do that, the CSPI, Mrs. Obama, and the nanny state want
to pressurize those choices away." That's probably the best line I read on the Intertubes today….

I don't see Peggy (or Joan, for that matter - regardless of her bringing up the ACLU or the feminist sit-in or Betty Friedan) as particularly feminist. Feminism implies a broader view of political as well as social awareness, and Peggy doesn't strike me as someone who is interested in pulling up women - she seems

She punches out a bouncer in a earlier ep and shoves a guy who's in her way

I think it was either Janet Jackson's 'janet.' album or a cheapo Judy Garland compilation - either way, it was very gay…