
This, right here. I loved that show. I’ll never understand how they found so many actors who looked kind of like Ross Martin so they could keep his “master of disguise” schtick going.

First, I agree that you need to provide a source.

Quick question - are heroin and other drugs vegan? I know most if not all come from plants, but do animal products get used in processing them?

Well, shit. But good on you. Nothing else you could’ve done.

I’m going to steal that pony. My wife won’t let me get a goat, but I’m sure she’ll be fine with a pony.

CGI in some tentacles and you’ve got the beginning of a SyFy Original Movie that I’d watch while my wife shakes her head at me.

That’s what really got to me about these idiots. “He’s smarter than I was when I was 12 so he’s clearly not really 12.” So what you’re saying is that you were the smartest 12 year old in the history of humanity? No 12 year old could conceivably be smarter than you? And yet you grew up to be an anti-vaxxer? I can only

“Tanner’s friends stated that they had never seen Tanner so depressed.”

Oh, thank God I’m not the only one.

I don’t understand how these tweets could be considered awful. I actually found them profoundly refreshing, given what I was expecting to see. A basketball player tweeting about basketball does not equal awful in my book.

My father drives a bus and he enjoys it well enough. Some of the kids are great, some are horrible, just like you’d expect.

“Somehow this was deemed insurable.” That’s the entire show in a nutshell, right there.

I have absolutely no moral qualms about the death penalty in general. Sometimes, “He needed killin’” is just truth. However, I have many, many practical and moral qualms about the death penalty as it has been practiced in America, so I’m in favor of anything that shuts it down.

I liked both of these shows quite a bit. They were just the right amount of ridiculous. Which is to say, extremely ridiculous.

How does this not have more stars?

If that was actually Seasick Steve, I’m in to the bitter end. Ya gotta dance with them what brung ya.

Wait, celebrities are common property because we paid for them? Why has no one ever told me this? Is there a website where people can trade their shares? I have nothing against Amy Schumer, but I’d be happy to trade my 1/300,000,000th share of her to someone so I can double my ownership of, say, Gillian Anderson. Or

I can’t see Elba as Bond, for some reason. I’ve liked him in everything I’ve seen him in, and if he got the part I’d see the movie, same as if someone else I didn’t like got the part, but for me he just doesn’t work.

The most enjoyment I ever received from an umbrella was 30+ years ago. My parents took us out to lunch during a nasty rainstorm to a restaurant that had a good-sized patio section. Poor bastard who’d been scheduled to work the patio was instead given one of the giant table umbrellas and instructed to walk any patrons

Y’know, if OJ’s son was the guy who did it, it does explain why OJ hasn’t been working as hard as he promised to find the real killers.