Peter King Diamond

Am I the only one that enjoys Bob’s Burgers more or less in spite of the singing not because of it? A little goes a very long way with me. The only hesitation I have in going to go see this Friday is that I am worried I will have to endure a ton of songs.

It’s never been a “cure” but a medicine for depression. It doesn’t fix me but it sure as fuck lets me feel not-so-dead for a few hours. <3 cannabis. Would be dead without it.

I agree with Jordana Wright.  Of course pot is not a cure for depression - nothing is, really - but it’s a means of coping.  I have OCD and a lot of times, the psychic pressure becomes overwhelming and then I will manifest symptoms of depression simply to not be crushed.  Pot helps me to suppress the static and focus

I call bullshit. No way you can sit behind a tractor trailer, at any speed, or any distance, in neutral and continue at speed for an hour. 

I assume the “A game Natasha Lyonne can’t elevate a middling SNL” review has already been pre-written.

Surprised you went with “El Camino” instead of “The Jeffersons’ Marla Gibbs” or “227's Marla Gibbs.” Even more surprised she is still alive, so good for her.

Idris Elfba

Red Bull costs you wiiiiiiings!

I would like to see a movie about Borat joining the convoy.

You guys are the new minutemen.

This feels like a hit piece backed by a resorts chain to throw dirt on cruise lines.

Uh, you do understand that those are targeted ads and not placed by the blog itself, right? That means you’re being targeted with NFT ads, which, lol.

This is exactly how The Sixth Sense and The Crying Game got spoiled for me. Thanks a lot, Monopoly.

You are, in fact, not the first person to come up with that little nugget of knowledge. 

I grew up in NM, where we were ahead of the curve in enforcing DUI and enacting strict punishments. They don’t work; at least not for repeat offenders, and the dangerously drunk, driving down the freeway the wrong at 110 mph kind. Take their license, they still drive. Take their car, they drive their mom’s car.

Can you get Bike Snob to write a guest review?

You mean like an alcoholic telling their naive child to blow into a device the child has no idea what it is for?

There are “Seatbelt silencers” that just clip into the belt without you actually wearing them. Not sure how to combat that.

Elephant in the car??? Texting & mobile phone notifications.

Their third model, the Light Electric Mobility Ordinary Newcar, although priced at under $20,000 has not yet garnered any interest at all.