
The only thing I could think while watching that Office Song sketch is ”Cool, you wasted Tim Robinson while you had him on, now you’re straight up stealing from his material...”

Retro ‘50s, was what I thought.

That’s because it’s working. 

All those shows were on CBS at one time?

Reached for comment, Alden Ehrenreich said, “I am not Ansel Elgort.”

And if you are insisting that your character make changes that might seem unjustifiably out of character, you better hope you have a better writer in charge of handling that then Michael Patrick King.

There’s an interesting conversation that can be had about how actors can ruin characters.

To be fair, the ‘OMG INFLATION!’ coverage is really bad also.

To help us remember our dearly departed Miranda as she was: what’s your favorite line of hers from SATC?

We have seen Carrie and Steve alone before. On a stoop. Carries asks about how Aiden took their breakup after running into Aiden’s post-Carrie ex.

The title is in line with other dumb parodies like this one.

Funny, because Fuck you and your self-importance” was pretty much my reaction to McKay’s movie. He’s gotten progressively preachier in his work since The Big Short, which I quite liked. But he tends to use his work as a cudgel, and after a while you get tired of being hit over the head with the theme, even if the

Yeah, Steven Seagal movies have pro environmental messages too. And that’s not the reason people dislike them, either.

Umm Cal’s isn’t gay. His sexuality seems to defy labels. Cal even says to Jules in episode 1 something like “your generation doesn’t care about the rules” and he says it with admiration like it’s an honest expression of his own identity if he could set aside appearance rules and societal conventions.

It’s done annually for the holiday episode, which was the canceled week with Paul Rudd last year. I keep hoping they’ll break it out because I’m sure the jokes were already written prior to the show being scratched.

Right, when they first brought out Guy Who I was like “Why is this still a thing?” but then I realized they had a topical reason. And hey, both Sarah Sherman and Bowen Yang can get as much airtime as they want, they’re always funny. It just seemed like a lot of easy choices.

Tim Calhoun would now be a respected voice

So, apparently, this show doesn’t have interest in developing the characters of “young Black queer women or trans women”. I mean... did everyone forget who the two main characters of this show are? Really? What is this bs about Cal being the only queer character in the show that is given attention, empathy, and a

I really liked this episode. The country singers had me in tears by the end because these 2 performers were trying to outdo each other, committed and drove that shit into the ground. I always admired that about Forte. He was weird but he never let up. I’m an old but I LOVED Maneskin. The lead singer was working the

Well, I laughed several times during this episode. I can’t say that about many in the last two years.