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I never heard of Maneskin until this SNL episode. First song they play starts and I think, this sounds familiar. WTF? Yeah it’s a cover...

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“Nobody’s dissing Kristen Wiig, but the final sketch tonight could have been filled out by a present cast member just fine“

I’ve accepted over the years that I really find MacGruber unfunny, but that some people do.

I’ve said before these SNL reviews are one of the first things I read on Sunday mornings, often before I’ve watched the episode. I’ve been worried they weren’t long for this world since word came out last December of what G / O was this week’s news was expected but no less disappointing. I’m glad at least

“Hey honey, remember all that money you got from the Disney settlement? So I was thinking...”

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When I was a kid, every comedian could have their own cartoon. John Candy had “Camp Candy”, Howie Mandel had “Bobby’s World”, and Louie Anderson had “Life With Louie”.

Louie Anderson will always have a warm place in my heart because Life with Louie was a Fox Kids regular here in Poland as “Świat według Ludwiczka” (“The World According to Louie”). Fantastic dub, a lot of great jokes and very relatable situations made it a cult classic among my generation and anyone born in the early

The one about the women’s football league. The writer basically villainized their ex husband in the piece without providing anything to suggest that he was a bad husband, commenters took them to task for it, some of whom even pulled up past articles and interviews from the author where they stated how supportive their

This is like beating a dead horse. The story’s moment in the spotlight ended two years ago. Outside of clarifying that Don either probably was killed a drug cartel or crashed his plane in the ocean, there’s nothing left to talk about.

I am really happy for Bill Hader and Anna Kendrick. Especially if Anna Kendrick gets to date Bill Hader as Stefon because for some reason, that character was hot af.

Eerily, Meat Loaf wrote this at the end of a piece he wrote for Rolling Stone on Steinman’s death: I don’t want to die, but I may die this year because of Jim. I’m always with him and he’s right here with me now. I’ve always been with Jim and Jim has always been with me.

Man 2022 is off to a rough start. I love me some Meatloaf music. The fast tempo piano, the almost story like lyrics, the mashup of influences. He really had something unique. It’s kind of sad that there really isn’t any mainstream music that homages Meatloaf’s sound. The closest would be Volbeat’s “Wait a Minute My

Holy shit Meat Loaf is gone!?!?!  I have this really fond story my dad would tell me, about driving through town and seeing a bar advertising meat loaf and hot tuna.  He thought it was literal food, he didn't know it was the band Meat Loaf and Hot Tuna.  Fun times.  Farewell good sir!  Your album covers remain the

I am so, so, so very over Kate & Aidy cracking themselves up.

On the intro to Fray, he went on about how Kitty Pryde was his favorite character and he wanted more characters like her. Which, cool! But then he went on about her body and how he wasn’t into the usual buxom superheroine types. And I realized, at the time, that he somehow believed being attracted to slimmer,

The simple fact is that there are times when the interests of feminists and the interests of horny assholes happen to align. If it’s the 1960s and women are yearning for sexual liberation, and also a bunch of dudes want to ogle women’s legs, they might both be like, “Yay, miniskirts!”

This. Rewatching Buffy as an adult was ... something.

Yeah, you couldn’t make up that quote.

So much of it was just obvious male wish fulfillment I just never quite got how his shows became this ur example for “strong female character”.

To the extent that actual real live women connected strongly with Buffy. That would seem to be rooted in lack of options in 90's genre TV and the much better female writers he

I was never a Whedon superfan, never owned a “Joss is out Master now” shirt, but I was a fan and goddamn it’s mind blowing just how wrong everyone was about him. He’s a huge asshole, he was actually an asshole most of the times I saw him at a con or something and we all just gave it a pass.