
Elliot Gould is  getting up there, I will enjoy seeing Elliot Gould pop up wherever while I can. 

Monkey Judge is in an instant classic for me. It’s one of those sketches that’s brilliant in both its absurdity but also its understated-ness; Mulaney just casually checking off all the prototypical monkey behavior/train of thoughts in the most matter of fact fashion never stopped getting funnier as it went on.

I also meant to add that all of this you also get Mulaney’s monologue/standup routine, which was amazing. And, thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we didn’t even have to suffer through another shitty political cold open!

I’m puzzled by the reaction to this episode because I thought it was one of the strongest eps I remember in a long, long time. Like I can only remember feeling like an episode was this good front to back maybe 2 or 3 times in the last decade. I would’ve given it the incredibly rare “A” as compared to other episodes of

I’m not a fan of when they have a cut back for a few seconds from commercial and show everyone taking place for a sketch, or where they pull the camera back and the end and everyone just walks off. It’s just a little too much “peek behind the curtain” for me.

Why not? He’s solid, I like Boat guy and Eric Trump. With the heavy hitters gone, maybe someone besides Bowen and maybe Heidi can have a breakout moment.

Yeah but that kind of casual cruelty to anyone with the faintest whiff of being an outsider was everywhere in kid and teen entertainment in the 80s so it’s hardly out of nowhere. 

He’s really the only new guy that’s made an impression on me. Good for him for getting the coveted Pete’s replacement bit.

I can’t wait to read your reviews on a proper media website again. I’ll be checking for that.

“Look- I’m a grown, drunk man and I want a churro to eat on the choo-choo ride home. That had me in stitches. Long live Dismukes.

As a person with Ukrainian origins, who lives just a few hundred kilometers away from the border with Ukraine (and whose hometown is just ~50km away from it), I thought the cold open was overall tasteful. While I agree that SNL’s format may not be well-suited for more serious moments (I still remember Kate’s

With I think every sketch they all started out “is this really your best effort” but by the end I was laughing at each one. 

At the ‘96 games, some asshole at NBC decided they should focus on "stories" rather than broadcasting the events themselves, which was especially frustrating because the Games were in Atlanta that year, providing plenty of time to show events live. Instead we got 15-minute puff pieces on individual athletes followed

I agree with AbraslamLincoln, but want to point out another issue.

He realized they were dumb and backed out. Al from Home Improvement smarter than Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon. 

I for one am anger he has chosen to procreate!!! He should just raise dog!

I’m worried this means the long, storied history of Saturday Night Live will be tainted by drugs.

I’m not watching John Mulaney do anything ever again. He has made mistakes in his personal life and I demand my comedians be clean-living role models. 

Chevy Chase basically does some version of this interview (link below) every few years, in part as a way to wonder aloud why he isn’t getting work. He also trots out that line, “I know who I am, I like who I am” and then wonders why that doesn’t fix everything. Why isn’t Chevy Chase getting work? Because there are

apparently i’ve been thinking jack ryan and jack reacher were the same character for years.