
When he claims he was powerless when it came to sleeping with Buffy actresses, I was genuinely shocked. How does he not understand that that’s not an acceptable response. This article isn’t going to rehabilitate this dude’s reputation. 

Fine, but not nearly as good as The Grouch one.

Ah yes, the Leno Method.

He had some stuff. Forte was the teacher in the Gilly sketches and most of his other recurring characters were with other cast members rather then stand alone things that could be brought back. The only three I can think of off the top of my head are The Falconer, Tim Calhoun and, of course, MacGruber.

But it will undoubtedly be MacGruber.

I do hope we get more stuff soon where Sarah can do something without yelling.”

I count two. Biden and the “What’s up with that?” dancer though that’s more of a Kenan bit.

No standouts but no duds tonight either. I think I like the Winter Formal Dress sketch the best. DeBose was good as host but for someone that has so much experience in stage performing, I felt it was kind of odd that they didn’t use her more prominently in all of the sketches. She was clearly up for it, but it seemed

Will Forte and Måneskin should bring some much-missed weirdness-just-for-the-sake-of-weirdness back to SNL. Or at least I’ve missed it, YMMV.

I actually thought that was the best cold opening, political sketch they’ve done in awhile. Instead of just regurgitating the week’s news and then hitting you over the head with it, they went with a goofy idea and ran with it. It wasn't really about issues or (badly) making fun of something but just a plain old funny

Cecily Strong is out because she’s making her NYC stage debut in a limited run revival of Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin’s The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, which runs until early Feb.

Personally had a lot of fun with this episode and every sketch had at least one point that had me smiling. The fact that Ariana was such a charismatic and likable presence helped a lot.

Pete channeling Adam Sandler for his bits (prom dress sketch) really works for him. Should stick with that.

Yeah I just cancelled Netflix as I realized I’m barely watching it. If they’d never raised their prices I probably would have just keep paying out of habit but the news actually did make me question why I’m still paying.

It is hard to overstate just how...mediocre it is.

Hey, I didn’t see this comment until today. It means a lot! Thank you.

If Netflix keeps this up, it’s going to backfire on them. I suspect there are a lot of people out there like me, who have kept Netflix for years, just out of habit. I started at $8-9 dollars per month. I tolerated it when it jumped to $14 last year because it was the first increase in a long time. But now that they’re

I have a streaming option, but I’m still getting discs too— maybe one of the few at this point, which may explain why the last few have come from 7 or 8 states away instead of the 1 they had been for years.

That was not Steve running away from Miranda at the farmer’s market. That was the actor playing him (David Eigenberg) FLEEING this trainwreck of a show!

Giving him a disability, while marginalizing his charming aspects—was it supposed to make all of us feel OK with her disdain and deceit? Because it makes me feel worse/sad and puts a sour taste in my mouth about how someone should treat another human being in partnership. And Just Like That—I give up on all of them.