
Areticle misses a golden opportunity to mention that she was back in the Billboard Top 10 last month with the Ronettes’ “Sleigh Ride”.

Outliving her shitbag ex must have been sweet. I hope she danced on his grave.

Eh, I feel like a lot of these “surprise! their life is shitty now” retakes are just in service of resetting their arcs so we can walk the characters back to where they already were at the end of the first movie. The Matrix is the most glaring recent example, but they also kinda did it with Luke Skywalker (he learns

I knew someone who lingered for many months after a bad stroke. Glad she didn’t have to suffer that. As for the people trying to politicize her death, I wish they had the capacity to feel ashamed of themselves.

Bring back The Sea Captain.

You say this as if TV shows haven’t started with disclaimers and parental advisory ratings for decades.

You not the only one base on it's weak showing at the box office.

Kidman is good in  the movie. But blaming the ‘makeup’ for her face looking weird is being very diplomatic.

You know, people give him shit for America’s Funniest Home Videos, but I remember a cable channel here in Australia started airing his tenure on it in I think the early 2000s. Why exactly I have no idea, but it stood in stark contrast to the entire tenure of Australia’s version, and all later versions of America’s,

I don’t know. I saw him do standup around 2006 for the Opie and Anthony Traveling Virus tour. I’d call that tour lower common denominator, lower than Full House. Most of his set was just about how badly he wanted to fuck an Olsen twin. Or, at least, every punchline was either "cocaine" or "sex with an Olsen twin."

This could end up being his last interview ever

Jesus, that sucks. Sadly, 65 is well into the age range where seemingly healthy people routinely drop dead without warning. I just had no idea he was even that old; if you’d asked me I would have guessed mid-50s. (And yes I’m aware that playing a 30ish guy in the late 1980s means he’d be in his 60s now, he just never s

“Bob was the first comedian that I ever saw perform, when I was a boy, live, and I loved him. But one thing that bonds us as comedians is we’re bitter, and jealous, and we hate everyone else that has any success. But Bob, honestly, has never had an unkind word for anybody, and I love him, and I hope everyone else

I wouldn’t call it leaden. “Creaky,” maybe. Like a house of cards held up, at its higher points, by sheer chutzpah, but sagging under its own weight. And while I think that Burt Reynolds was absolutely right about Bogdanovich getting an unfair shake from film-critical culture at the time, the singing in the film (his

also the at-home shows were, frankly, the most interesting stuff snl had put out in a long time. 

He also got blowback from people who insisted that he wasn’t truly representative of Black Americans, being an islander. Because there’ll always be something to complain about.

Poitier was in a very difficult position in the Fifties and Sixties because, as the only major Black film actor, he couldn’t just be in a movie and give a performance. He had to “represent his race” every time out of the gate. It was a heavy load that he handled with grace, intelligence, and dignity. I’m sure he was

Oh no! Last Picture Show was on TCM a couple days back and its just a flawless film. The amount of stories between him and Orson Welles is truly worth cherish. This Is Orson Welles is a fantastic book to read. Farewell Peter, hope Dorothys on the otherside of the wind.

I like some of his films very much, but he’s much more important as a film historian than a director. 

can we talk about this instead?