
In the case of Fuller House, let’s be honest; the Olsen twins didn’t come back because they didn’t need to. They’re doing just fine with their fashion lines and didn’t need the money. And if the other Fuller House actors were doing just as well, I guarantee they wouldn’t have bothered to come back either.


The writer is probably under the assumption that people reading this review have also seen the episodes.

There’s a lot of discussion about her absence (now she’s having sex in another city, London, after she and carrie had a falling out when Carrie fired her as her publicist), as Carrie and Miranda go on ad nauseum about how they’ve all tried to reach out to Samantha. It’s not their fault, the show appears to be

I’m sure he could have used the headlines talking about their falling out, but he kept quiet and respected their former friendship. McKay did not. And now he is going to complain because people would rather talk about this than climate change?

Feels worth noting that a couple weeks before this story became A Thing, somebody asked Will Ferrell the same question McKay got about why the two of them split up. Ferrell gave the essentially drama-free answer that he quit their production company because he wanted to smaller workload.

“It’s kind of crazy to see how much has been reported on this,” McKay told The Hollywood Reporter. “We made Don’t Look Up to hopefully get people talking about the climate crisis—literally the biggest threat to life in human history —and to see so much made about two comedy guys not talking about a TV show is a scary

A new story about celebrity gossip is news. What’s the headline he wants, “Climate Change Still Happening”?

“Would someone like me have called you a ‘hillbilly’

The fuckin’ Razzies would always nominate her for so much as delivering a line in a film nobody saw anyway. Bunch of creeps.

her interview with dolly parton was making the viral rounds a few weeks ago. i wish dolly had kicked her in the shin after some of those questions.

“She was fully clothed the entire time” was the endlessly repeated quote of the day. She appeared with her mother on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show to promote & defend The Blue Lagoon (1980, age about 15, character name Emmeline Lestrange). Some kind of body suit was the claim, you see. It was her first big film, and is

Walters has always been that snotty aunt you try and avoid at Christmas dinner.

As an SNL fan, Studio 60 really sticks in my craw. 

I’d kind of like to see a return of Mary Birdsong as Greg’s mom, showing up to sponge off of him. It could keep the whole “toxic family dynamic” theme of the show going and complicate any relationship the doofus ends up in.

Yeah, obviously we do not yet know what else they have planned, but that easily stands out to me as one of the most distressing moments I have experienced watching not just Succession, but TV in general, this year. So it would definitely have been a worthy climax to the season.

I see a situation where next season, he finally gets what he’s always wanted: head of the theme parks, (which Logan would be okay with since that the division he can do the least amount of harm to the company), gets his own nucleus of people (some characters we know, others who are new to the canvas), and basically

I agree on Siobhan and Tom; I actually thought that their marriage was on stronger ground here than ever before, because they’ve achieved that intimacy and honesty. Siobh doesn’t love Tom; Tom loves Siobh anyway. But also, I don’t read “I may not love you, but I do love you” as twisting the knife - I think it’s Siobh

You could also see Greg turning into an asshole is season 2. One moment that really stands out to me was in the season 2 finale where he’s lying on the yacht drinking a sparkling rose and I forget who he’s talking to, but he says something like, “This isn’t my favorite, but it’s okay, I guess. I’ll drink it.” This

just a note, but fairly certain Roman is the second youngest, with Shiv being the baby of the family. To be clear: Connor > Ken > Roman > Shiv. I think that’s where the “pinky” nickname comes from. She’s the pinky finger.

Cross Roman off the “child I trust my empire to”.