
Funny enough, Hamlet is also what keeps popping up in my mind when watching. The guy is burdened by his father’s ghost (and how great was that father anyways? was he as great as Hamlet makes him out to be or...?) to avenge his death and no matter what he does, it amounts to nothing. Always disappointment. Too much

For as much great acting as there was in this episode, I don’t know if there was a better moment than Justine Lupe’s shocked/appalled high-pitched “Ooh” when Connor dropped to one knee.

One of the greatest things about succession imo is that when you watch it the first time, you laugh. People say outlandish shit, make crude jokes it’s funny, it’s so fucking funny, right? And then you start thinking about what was actually being said, what is actually happening and it all becomes so so bitter. Even

My guess, narratively, it makes sense that Kendall survives and Roman ends up going to him for an alliance after Shiv gets him and/or Gerri fired. They’ve been amping up Shiv’s unlikability for a while as they also make Roman less of an asshole and it makes sense, in a way, for Shive to be the end boss as far as S4

I wonder if this is all leading up to a final season where all the Roy kids find themselves alienated from Logan and on the same side, trying to take down their dad. It would be pretty thematically appropriate for this show to end with Logan utterly victorious but completely alone, having completely destroyed his

My sense of Kendall has always been that the tragedy of his character is that he almost has a lot of good traits. He’s almost smart. He’s almost tech savvy. He’s almost cunning. He almost has real business sense. I wouldn’t say he’s almost a good person, but I think at a lot of different points he walks right up to

This show definitely has its finger on conservative media’s pulse. We’re due to move from “echoing real life developments” to “predicting real life developments” any day now.

I would think that the every interaction with Logan and/or the siblings in this episode is repeated from their childhood. No wonder Kendall, Shiv and Roman are so damaged. This is just another day with the Roy family.

I think there’s another way to get Kendall off the show, and maybe give him some redemption. Ken could confess to the death of the waiter, and throw Logan under the bus for covering it up. Ken goes to prison, and Logan finally "gets fucked". That death has been weighing on him since it happened, and if Kendall just

Dogs running a tens of thousands of years’ long-con on the human race?  I love it!

Someone wrote a letter to the Wall Street Journal complaining that the birthrate has tanked due to dogs hijacking women’s instinct to nurture a few days ago, so that whole scene felt very timely.

For me was their mother’s comment that she wouldn’t have dogs because she knew Logan would abuse them, but she, of course, left her children with him…

At the time when Gresham’s novel was first published, going to therapy was an activity that was still viewed with a sideways eye by most everyday Americans.

Shiv finally gets a win!

Happy Sarah Snook dance!

In fact, Reilly is the person Ferrell found out from.

“...and I reminded him of some slights that were thrown my way that were never apologized for.”

Well, now we know who the asshole actually was

It’s sacrilege, but I did not like Hildy, Walter, and Hildy and Walter together in His Girl Friday.  Everyone loves this movie, but I was not rooting for that couple.

The “Kendall is going to OD or jump by the end of season 3" fan theory is gaining traction with me now.

While there were plenty of laughs to be had throughout, the funniest thing I found about this episode was how shit the Stargo App was and how art was imitating life.

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