
Spoiler: There won’t be enough animus.

I’m hoping it’s basically just The Golden Girls but with her and Bova...

He’s saying that you can’t direct someone to act gay. “Let’s do it again, but this time do it gayer,” is only possible if gay means swishy or camp or whatever. Or that acting more “white cishet male” is dialing up your Kevin James impersonation to 11.

If i looked at the word vomit right: he does not see ‘gay’ or ‘straight’ as sufficient queues that would require actors to be gay for the role of a gay person and straight for a straight person. If you squint it’s sort of fair: what is ‘gay’ and what is ‘straight’ leads to the type of stereotyping that hurts everyone.

What the hell did I just read? Can we stop dragging out this dessicated husk of a dead horse for yet another beating, especially when the purported subject wasn't even brought up?

Gotta get that sweet, sweet SEO traffic! 

Good god, what a load of crap this piece was from first capital letter to last punctuation mark.  I know, I know, why should I expect anything better now?

Lifelong (since the age of 10) Abba fan here. “Should I Laugh or Cry” is their best song, and glad to see someone here mention it!

Am I the only person in the comments that watched Brigsby Bear? I think he’s perfectly capable of making a throwback show that’s equally nuanced and funny. 

He was pretty much the only actually funny part of Zoolander 2, and that had nothing to do with mocking 80s/90s nostalgia.


I agree. The writing was the big problem, and they certainly should not let them continue with Eternals. Leaving the movie, I didn’t even understand why Deviant Kro was in the movie, why they didn’t just lean into the are Earthlings worthy of being saved storyline, or why they didn’t turn Icarus in the first third of

Deep, deep cut! Nice. 

Mooney is funny, you dorks. 

> His comedy is not funny to most people

Even given the film’s limitations on exploring the characters, I still felt like there was something behind each character even if we didn’t get to spend much time with them. If you meet a real person for five minutes you assume they’ve got a life and a backstory even if you don’t get to find out much about it, and I

I believe the politically correct term is “homeless people”.

Speaking only for myself, I’ve been trying not to be distracted by how weird Nicole Kidman looks for nearly 20 years. 

I’m a big Jeopardy fan, and a big Trebek fan... but I am a little uncomfortable with how incessant the show has been with references to Alex and his death.

True (and I was among the people who didn’t know them) but the film had better reviews and I think GOTG was an easier sell. The film is really just a fun space adventure for the whole family, and having a raccoon and a talking tree among your main characters is going to generate curiosity. I don’t really hear about