
Cecily Strong’s “commercial announcer” voice is a potent secret weapon for the show. In sketch comedy you almost always have to live with “reminds you of the thing,” but Cecily Strong IS the thing.

I haven’t watched that much of Baldwin’s Trump, so I just went back and Youtubed it. I found one where a journalist calls him on the watersports thing, and Baldwin’s Trump responds with a solid minute of urine puns. Donald Trump, making puns. It’s your typical “Gee, this successful billionaire businessman sometimes

Tracy’s just seemed out of place in the sketch, like why didn’t they give him a silly inner monologue too.

“Want premium cable at basic cable prices? Not gonna happen. We’d lose a ton of money.”

I think when the subject of a sketch actually makes a cameo in the sketch is when you know it’s run its course and is probably the right time to retire that bit.

That sure didn’t look like James Austin Johnson. The make-up folks did good. So I thought it was some other guy who had been obsessively studying James Austin Johnson videos. Last month I showed my SO a JAJ video and he said “No, that doesn’t sound like Trump at all.” He was real smug about it too like he’s the one


Yeah but at the time did people want it, because this article just reminded me this show existed and then I remembered the whole “controversy” back in 2016 where they killed off a lesbian character because the actress had been poached by Fear The Walking Dead (another show that no one wanted to really continue

Between Dr. Oz, Mayim Byalik and this dipshit, was Jeopardy pulling it’s hosting candidates from a list of charlatans and vax deniers?

So weird how every time I hear someone bitching about being canceled, they happen to be rich and privileged and they communicate about this cancellation via their enormous and uncensored media presence.

Like Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Donald Rumsfield before her, it was our insatiable adoration and need for more of her that killed her.

The title of this article and then the content make no sense. “Why won’t Marvel trust directors” and then about how Marvel trusted Zhao to do what she wanted. And she’s said nothing but “they let me do what I wanted and were there to help if I needed it.

The Haunting of Princess Diana premiering in 3... 2...

Did not realize Joe Millionaire was 18 years ago. Feel really old now.

Bosom Buddies might have been the first sitcom with an episode that make me cry - “Reunion”, I think it was called. It was a flashback to the boys’ high school days, when Henry (Peter Scolari) treated a deaf girl badly - he was embarrassed by her and told her he wasn’t going to the dance but he was (it was something

Hanks cast a lot of former co-stars in bit parts in “That Thing You Do”, including Gedde Watanabe as a photographer.

Man I forgot Holland Taylor was on that show. It was a good show.

The thing about Scolari was that he was the same guy as he portrayed in Bosom Buddies according to Tom. Just a good goofy pal behind the camera as well as in front.

I can’t hear Bosom Buddies without singing the song in my head. God I loved that show as a 7-9 year old. And I loved the repeats when I did see them later on in life.

Yeah, getting to have front row seats to Hanks going from minor sitcom actor to to one the biggest stars int he world in the span of just few years was something else.