
It actually wouldn’t be the first time Short and Martin have hosted with a third person; they did it with Chevy in 1986 because of Three Amigos.

God lord...if it’s Addison Rae when they have a Kathryn Hahn right there.

I was thinking Hannah Einbinder since I think no SNLer’s child has ever hosted.

The true “Human Garfield” is comedian Louis Anderson. This is divine truth and there will be no further discussion.

I think Lorenzo Music as Garfield was.

Didn’t Fox already do that when Cube expressed lukewarm support for Trump—after they met to discuss the Contract with Black Amerikkka or whatever it was called?

“See what happens when you act like a big jerk......Other jerks flock to your music for validation of their racist ideologies 

Rotten Tomatoes has been a plague on movie criticism. Shut the website down. People don’t understand what their score means and they don’t intend to learn.

We don’t know!

SNL: “Sprite: How Did We Become the Black Soda?”

Oh yeah, I saw something about this earlier this month—I think it was his photo double being listed for the movie. Nice to see it confirmed.

Agreed. I came around to their work as a team as they became more comfortable riffing with each other. It’s like the teacher made two guys who don’t like each other work together, and they actually got a passing mark for once.

I didn’t realize Berlanti was involved. Melissa probably turned on the CW and said “hell no”.

No, that was The Dweller in Darkness. He’s a demon and one of the Fear Lords.

There’s a pocket community on the internet that is ardent in its belief that comics from the 1970's were awesome and the films should be more faithful to the source material. I read those comics, though, and most of them were nearly unreadable. If, as a director or screenwriter, you go back to that material and

Wait a sec...why would Showtime come out and talk about this show, as if it was happening, before they had the rights? Did they do it to drum up excitement, in hopes that the Rivers estate would go for it? That seems like an ass backwards way to do it.

I might be one of the few people who enjoyed Quinn’s run behind the WU desk. He clearly understood he was wrong for the role but soldiered on regardless like a good team player, and that’s worth something.

That episode will always be cursed to me because it came right before the 2016 election :(

Seeing Sudeikis in his not-realistic but funny-specific Biden next to the very realistic if not yet consistently funny beyond the occasional written bit from the new kid really was a reminder that a good impression need not particularly spot-on so long as it’s specific and funny.

You could block the window (which is where a dog-monster comes through I think) and you could push a trunk over the trapdoor to block a zombie as well.