
I saw some fan speculation that she’s deaf because that’s what they needed for supersonic speeds, but I guess the movie did not say any of that.

In search relevance. 

People in recent years focus more on Lucille Ball’s miserable life than on her comedy, which is a shame. It has actually kind of ruined her comedy for me because any time I happen upon it I just remember all the endless stories about how lonely and bitter she was and how much of her life was full of regret. 

This looks like a navel-gazing dirge, where we are meant to clap like seals because Aaron Sorkin is involved. The “somber” version of the  I Love Lucy theme actually made me laugh. It just adds to the feel that this is some kind of Youtube or sketch show parody of these woe-is-me dramas. At least that would explain

The Leslie and Kyle shorts are a lot of fun, but they only did about three or four. I think a lot of Kyle’s material with Good Neighbor, and Beck, and stuff like Bruce Chandling is funny, and holds up well. I am not sure if this type of project is going to work because his stuff is best either in short timespans or

Considering one of the strongest criticisms of The Eternals was the flat writing, I’m not sure the same writers being involved would be a great idea, but there is always a need for more content so having a show focused on some of the characters who seemed to be well-received and didn’t get much time in the movie

The fun aspect was a big help, especially since up to that point beyond the Whedon-esque quips and RDJ being RDJ, the MCU movies weren’t as known for a humorous slant. GOTG was also 7 years ago, at a bigger time for the box office and at a younger time for the MCU. That these films have been on a steady cycle (aside

With the likelihood of SCOTUS soon forbidding Congress from passing environmental legislation, this is all too accurate.

They repeatedly had him doing and saying things that were just lazy attempts at comedy that made zero sense, and also weren’t funny. I think the one that really made me cringe was when he called Jared Kushner a “twink.”

Tracy was originally not in the sketch - they added him after dress rehearsal because the sketch he was in (a black version of Succession) was cut. I wish they’d just used the original sketch. 

I would agree, although I do think this was much funnier and better written than pretty much anything they did with Trump in the last 5 years. 

I agree. In the past SNL has ignored this and kept on even as the sketches have obviously reached their end (Joe Pesci, Judge Judy - I think Miley Cyrus too).

I’m hoping they will stick to just a few appearances a season. They could get some comedy out of that and James can then be used elsewhere. 

When the season started there were leaks that the Please Don’t Destroy guys were meant to be cast members. Then that didn’t happen. I wonder if this is some sort of compromise, with a promotion to cast next season, or if they decided they wanted to just be writers, occasionally on-camera, and then, as you said, get a

I thought it was a pretty close match to Trump’s blathering, which seems clever to him yet is disconnected from reality. Saying he’s good friends with Mario and that Toads came out to vote for him isn’t really showing him as engaged. I think Alec Baldwin played Trump as dumber, but the writing itself was often very

Now playing

The highest I give most modern SNL episodes is a B+ - I think the one A or A- would be John Mulaney’s season 44 episode or Adam Driver’s season 45 episode. This one is another B+, which isn’t a bad thing - it’s mostly the Aaron Rodgers tedium, that car piece, and how thin Update was overall which hurt my score a bit.

Yes, this episode felt a little more like episodes of the ‘80s or ‘90s than the show usually does now. I think because they had several sketches revolving around concepts that were easy to relate to and slowly built them up into being crazier and  crazier. The cable sketch and the bathroom sketch (until the ending

Didn’t the family use that whole estrangement to get the brother on Bachelorette (which is as toxic and trashy as...most major league sports teams)?

Texas is already working on that...

There’s a whole other can of worms with criticism regarding Erivo, which shows the limitations of this type of choice, if that was the case. But neither of these choices really wow me, to be honest.