
There seems to be more outrage about outrage than actual anger at his comments. 

That’s the industry in general, and pretty much always has been.

It gets clicks. That’s the only reason. That and people who don’t have enough confidence in their own opinion can hide behind these directors. 

Jane Powell was born in the wrong era for her talents - by the time she started to become a star, peaches-and-cream musicals were on the way out, replaced by many attempts at thoughtful (if often ponderous and bloated) pieces treating the musical as an artform. Jane was not there to do some kind of 10 minute ballet of

I had wondered if Norm was still as known in recent years beyond the clips that are cycled around everywhere, so I was pleased to see all the many responses out there, from people who knew him well to those who just loved his comedy. I was surprised even Bob Dole’s people took the time to tweet over something that had

Dole endorsed him, I think...

I know the show was always written with a three-season plan, but I wonder if Rebecca suffers from having most of her arc wrapped up in the first season. She was hurt, lashed out, then found redemption and healing. It’s much more difficult to write past those moments, especially since the show doesn’t seem that

They used the same empty stage card last season - it’s still very effective. I like the touch of the different titles, although I laughed that, of course, Lorne did not include any of the title cards from the five years he was not producer.

I kind of wish the Jamie and Roy hug scene had not had music. 

It’s one of the reasons I ended up just skimming through and not having much to say even though I thought his interview with Seth was fascinating. I feel like too many people allowed themselves to believe a comedy act was real life and then felt betrayed when they realized someone who had repeatedly told them what a

I’d venture to guess that Mulaney was not entirely on the straight and narrow even then, he just hid it better.

Girls Aloud had some first-rate pop songs - songs like “The Promise” sound much more vibrant than quite a bit out there these days. I’m sorry to hear about Harding passing away. 

I can’t see Rogers ever wanting to go near SNL (I know he was critical of that dumb John Krasinski/Pete Davidson shock value kiss last season), but knowing he’s so close with Bowen and working with him as well as Vanessa Bayer (one of SNL’s best) makes me wish he could do some type of projects with them - they already

Given how many predictions claimed $75-$85 million, I guess $71 could be spun as a disappointment, but considering the Delta variant, theater only, likely Marvel/CBM fatigue, and no big names being involved, I’d say this is pretty good.

It’s especially nice with Braugher because on Homicide there was some game-playing that annoyed me with his character, Pembleton, and his partner Bayliss. Pembleton was straight (his wife was played by Braugher’s real life wife, the terrific Ami Brabson), but as the years passed, the writers decided that Bayliss was

This sounds like something which would have been a filler cartoon on SNL in 2003. 

Hutsell said in one interview that it was difficult for her when Siobhan and Beth were fired because they were close and then she was the one left. After they go you see the steady erosion in any voice for female cast members that hits rock bottom in 94-95. It was also pretty awful  backstage for Kightlinger and

I would agree more in RDJ’s case, but she was Oscar-nominated for several of her films and one of them (Marriage Story) was also memed to death. I think she’s probably famous for those, and some of her iffier interview  comments, along with anything involving Marvel these days. 

I’ll  always know her best from Arliss, but I guess that one was not exactly causing the paps to stand outside her house. 

I haven’t found Jon Stewart to be that funny in a long time, so nothing changed there, but I feel like this promo would work better if we had not already seen him on television a number of times in the last few years.