
Siobhan was one of my favorite cast members in her SNL season - the show had lost a lot of the people I wanted to see, so there was something very endearing to me about her presence - goofy, muggy, yet also very funny and clearly capable of more. Delta Delta Delta is one of the most underrated recurring pieces SNL

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I think the Days of Our Lives product placement of a decade ago takes the cake.

The sneering came about because of someone who tweeted about how brilliant they thought the line was, which gave the people who love to remind us how superior they are to popular entertainment an incentive to dogpile. The same happened with someone praising that Dany wings scene in Game of Thrones. I’m glad to hear

I think that’s more true for sitcoms with a central protagonist than sitcoms like this with a large cast. 

There were a number of critics who never liked Ted Lasso, so they get to have their very vocal “toldja so” moment. Then you have other people who resent being told to feel happy or good, which is understandable (as it’s the online equivalent of the person who comes up to you and tells you to smile) but blame the show

The combination of people feeling validated by hot takes, people resenting the show because of the idea that it’s “good for you,” or people resenting criticism of the show (or the tone of the criticism) means so much about discussion of this show is very personal, very ugly, and increasingly delusional - either the

“I Love,” which you will always remember certain parts of if you too sat through 500 compilation album commercials in the ‘90s.

It tend to happen with teen idols and boy bands, but rarely beyond that. Given that the main narrative with Taylor Swift for years has been she’s going to do what she wants and no man is going to control her career, I’m surprised to see it being used for her. 

I sort of saw Yes, Dear as being CBS’ unwanted sitcom, as it felt like they had no real interest in it compared to their bigger shows. I liked the cast (mostly) and thought they did a good job breathing life into the cliches. O’Malley was the standout even at the time. Unfortunately, as with most sitcoms, it ran its

BD was wonderful on Oz - he added a great deal of sensitivity and intelligence to the staff side of the prison, which was so often dominated by McManus doing stupid things and which prison guards and doctors were behaving inappropriately with prisoners. Some of that stuff was great, but he brought a balance. I

Ted Lasso is in the position of being the latest subject for thinkpiece and social media hell, where one show is built up for people to then tear down. The umpteenth version of, “This show exists to tell us how wonderful white men are!!!!” and, “Ted Lasso voted for Trump...just you ask him!!!!” have reached peak

As I don’t think Chapek said anything that wrong (tin-eared at most) I end up wondering if Liu and/or Disney have no faith in this film and tensions are boiling over. Either way, it isn’t much reason to want to see it.

Richards and Bialik, especially Richards, seem like poor choices, but I think the biggest problem is no one can replace what Alex Trebek represented. He was one of the last of the old school game show hosts on TV, and never became a shitbag, or a sad parody. He had a timeless appeal which made him an easy watch for

Of course when the show was actually on, less time was spent praising the choice to make Sam Captain America than was spent on Zemo gifs, queerbaiting accusations, anger over Mackie’s interview, etc. Now it’s a big deal.

If it is from Ryan Murphy, that’s basically setting up for creative failure. Beyond that, I feel like I have heard any seen anything I have ever needed to hear or see about this subject. I lived through all the disgusting media coverage at the time, and while I appreciate the idea of Lewinsky getting to tell her

I can definitely see what you mean.

Oh wow I  never even knew about that. Was this at the time he was going through all those mutations? I guess it would make sense if he had some deep thoughts about himself in that context, but it was probably a lot on top of the rest. If they had wanted to pair him up with Wonder Man romantically I would have tried it

They also seem to be hinting at Rachel and Betsy as a potential pairing. I appreciate the no labels aspect more than being bogged down in bad soap opera material that hurts so many comics, although I guess this does lead to the next stage, which is, “Why isn’t my couple getting more focus?” 

He reminded me a little of the late, great Arte Johnson.

I did appreciate some aspects of early Torchwood’s portrayal of bisexuality (like the relationship between Jack and Ianto, even if it was a bit underdeveloped); I think it was the treatment of female bisexuality (mainly the succubus episode, with all the guys leering as Gwen and the vessel possessed by the succubus