I just realized Amber Ruffin’s show was seen as a sketch show. I always see it as a talk show even though it has no guests, which is a bit silly, I suppose.
I just realized Amber Ruffin’s show was seen as a sketch show. I always see it as a talk show even though it has no guests, which is a bit silly, I suppose.
I remember a lot of picking apart of the show last season, especially toward the end.
I knew the writing for Falcon and the Winter Soldier and the likely lack of interest in throwing all kinds of nominations at various Marvel shows would make for less nominations, but I was a little surprised Anthony Mackie wasn’t on there as he did a lot to keep his character arc afloat. Really there were a number of…
Oh that’s right - that was the time they ushered the original Defenders out of the comic for good because if they were together they would cause an apocalypse, or something? I don’t remember. I still wish they’d given that last Defenders team more of a chance - it was probably the only time I had ever had much…
He’s dressed like his character in Nashville. Too bad he didn’t pull up on the bike.
He was the most reliable part of Night Court, a gem on top of a very strong cast.
The Defenders had so much turnover (in members and storylines, and writers) that it was difficult to figure out just what was going on - although that added to the appeal, in a way. When I went through back issues I would shake my head a bit at how many times people would write in - for years - complaining about the…
I’m just disappointed the spec about whether they were recasting Hawkeye didn’t go anywhere. I find him offputting and dull, and a waste of a fantastic comic book character.
There’s a lot of criticism of Marvel’s movies based on the idea that they are claiming to be something they aren’t...yet also a lot of criticism for them for sticking to the same formula. And when they do try to do something different that usually gets criticized as well. I’m not saying their movies are above…
Even though a TV debut doesn’t have the same splash as a major film, I wonder if JLD first showing up to viewers on Falcon and the Winter Soldier will end up being better in the long run - their scenes together, and with his wife, were strong (even if that arc needed at least one more episode to grow - as the show did…
Some of those were so depressing they have stayed with me for decades - another is the What If Marvel Heroes Lost Atlantis Attacks (or whatever it was called). I guess the writers were working through frustrations, and t he one where Sue and Reed’s then-dead baby lived but slowly drained everyone of their lifeforce…
The trailer didn’t do very much for me but I was hoping the show would do well for Cecily’s sake (and of course KMK is wonderful). I sometimes wonder if she and Kate will end up not really finding the chances post-SNL that they got while they were on the show. SNL is stifling and suffocating for some talent, but for…
Fred seems to be very well-liked in the industry...other than Portlandia, I have never gotten the appeal, but then I’m not exactly getting calls asking for my input.
It always feels very ‘70s and ‘80s to me - just the stylistic tone, not the marriage breakdowns, obviously. I agree about not being interested. And I thought HBO had a show like this just a year or two ago with Sarah Jessica Parker.
Hauser did a great job. I was grateful they didn’t go any of the cheap routes (like revealing that his wife was really a shrew, or that she was sleeping with all the guys there), and kept to such a warm premise, just mixed with absurdity. Hauser grounded the idiocy with a lot of heart and reality.
I was a little hesitant going into this season because I wasn’t sure if the writing would be negatively influenced by the show’s viral success (trying to pander to a fickle mentality which could just as easily dismiss the show as ‘problematic’ or talk about how we need new comedy in a new era, etc.), or if they would…
I think there was a bit more of a somber tone this season - the main difference from last season was on display early on when they revived the “character says different versions of ‘shit’ and ‘fuck’ and ‘cock’ to give viewers a thrill” sketch for the premiere. Rather than staying with a comedic ending, they ended with…
I’ve never even seen Avatar, but at least I can understand why it’s getting a sequel, due to how hugely popular the film was. Tiger King was a flash in the pan Netflix series. It feels like one of those decisions which will be later used to tell us why Peacock was doomed.
While I was watching I would sometimes wonder which sketches were there to try to recreate the viral success several had last season - fortunately nowhere near as many fell under that banner as I had feared. I think the drivers’ ed sketch or the doll sketch or the force feeding hot dog sketch (although that one felt…
I think this is the third Katharine McPhee vehicle. I guess Scorpion did well (it had the usual CBS procedural run), but nothing ever seems to click for her. I never really have gotten the hype.